13 reasons why
the internet
is good

for you

Most of us rely on the internet on a daily basis, but did you know that it is actually good for you?


Teens can access information they find hard to talk about.

1 in 6 teens use the internet to find information about drugs, sexual health or depression.[1]

Senior citizens who spend more time online are less depressed and more mentally active.[2]

use social media to access health related consumer reviews.
say information found via social media would affect the way they cope with a chronic condition.
say information found via social media would affect their decisions to seek a second opinion.

Social media can lead to people making more informed health decisions


The Internet is good for you: Students with broadband at home are 6-8% more likely to graduate vs. those without


Resrchers found tht ‘Internet speak’ has no harm on adolescnts ability to sp3ll, plus it works as a ‘brain workout’


Online courses mean more flexibility and learning choices for students

In the last 5 years the number of students taking online courses has increased by 96%[3]



The Internet itself contributes 3.4% to GDP in 13 countries – an amount the size of Canada in terms of GDP.[8]

It creates jobs

For each job created in the high-tech industry, 5 additional jobs are created in other sectors[9]

The internet crowdfunds innovation

In 2012, crowfunding platforms raised $2.7 billion

& successfully funded 1 million+ campaigns.[11]

More than 95% of businesses in OECD countries have an online presence, meaning improved efficiency and more ways to communicate with customers.[12]

The internet
creates new services

The growth of legal streaming helps to reduce online piracy.

‘The Netflix Effect’ – 40% of people copy or download less due to legal streaming services such a Netflix.[13]

It connects people regardless of distance

In the last 10 years, Skype has connected more than 300 million people around the world.

Combined, everyone’s conversations add up to 2.6 million years of Skype calls.[14]

It’s a good place to start married life

35% of couples married between 2005 and 2012 met online.[15]

Divorce or separation rates are lower for couples who met online.

The internet should be a human right


of people [16] around the world


“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”[18]

Article 19

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The internet is

Communications rights should be reconceptualised for modern technology.


Ford G & Ford S (2009), Internet Use and Depression Among the Elderly, Phoenix Center Policy Paper No. 38.


Lenhart A, Purcell K, Smith A & Zickuhr K (2010), Social Media & Mobile Internet Use Among Teens and Young Adults, Pew Internet & American Life Project.


Connect America Fund fcc.gov


Income of young adults nces.ed.gov


Varnhagen C K, McFall G P, Pugh N, Routledge L, Sumida-MacDonad H & Kwong T (2009), lol: new language and spelling in instant messaging, Springer Science + Media.


Pelissie du Rausas M, Manylka J, Hazan E, Bughin J, Chul M & Said R (2011), Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity, McKinsey Global Institute.


Copyright Infringement and Enforcement in the US, The American Assembly, Columbia University.


Moretti E, Thulin P (2012), Local Multipliers and Human Capital in the US and Sweden, Research Institute of Industrial Economics.


Kuhn P & Mansour H (2013), Is Internet Job Search Still Inffective?, University of California.


Cacioppo J, Cacioppo S, Gonzaga G, Ogburn E & VanderWeele T (2013), Marital satisfaction and break-ups differ across on-line and, off-line meeting venues, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


Sbarra D, Law R & Portley R (2011), Divorce and Death, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 6 No. 5.