Banners, Text Links & Our API

Whatever you do, don’t link to us.

We hate it when webmasters take our handy banners, code snippets and blog buttons and put them up on their own sites. Or – worse! – integrate our simple API. All those pesky visitors using our site…

However, if you wish to ignore this advice and link to us from your blog, website, Twitter feed or, heck, bumper sticker, you’re in the right place.

Need a custom banner? Just ask!


728×90 [resized for preview] oversize banner no. 1

728×90 [resized for preview]oversize banner no.2

468×60 banner no.1

468×60 banner no.2

234×60 half-size banner no.1

234×60 half-size banner no.2

300×250 no.1

300×250 no.2

125×125 no.1

125×125 no.2

Text Links

Who Is Hosting This is a tool that lets you find out who is hosting any web site. Simply type in the domain, and it tells you who their web hosting company is.

Discover who hosts any website with

Blog Buttons


Our API is free to use for most sites. It’s so simple to integrate – just four, brief, beautiful lines of code – that even I can do it solo. You post a URL, and we return the hosting company via XML.

So that we may continue to provide free API access, we respectfully request that:

1) Your site links the hosting company displayed back to

2) The results are clearly visible on the page.

Here’s how integrate our data into their site profiles:

Interested in learning more? We’ve love to hear from you. Drop us a line and we’ll set you up with everything you need pronto.

Who Is Hosting This Merchandise

A couple of people have asked about WIHT bumper stickers. Er, we were joking. But if you’re interested, go crazy over at the CafePress WIHT Store.

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