Danielle Antosz — Expert Writer and Editor

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Getting to Know Danielle

Danielle grew up all over the east coast before landing in Florida for 15 years, where she earned her degree in Art History & Criticism from Florida State University. Before becoming a writer and editor, she slung drinks and waited tables.

Danielle started her freelance writing career in the content mills of the early 2000s when keyword stuffing was what all the cool kids were doing. She spent a few years working for a to-be-unnamed website building company before deciding to strike out on her own.

Over the past 10 years she has written thousands of words about hundreds of topics. However, her all-time favorite copy was for an anal itching cream called “Fire in The Hole.” It still makes her laugh seven years later.

Our Interview with Danielle

We asked Danielle the burning questions about life, the universe, and everything. Read on to learn more.

Where are you in the world?

I am in Chicago. My family relocated here two and a half years ago from Florida. People thought we were crazy for leaving the warm weather, but I love the mild summers and we still live right on the beach. Chicago is a special place, and I am happy to call it home!

When did you first use the internet?

We had the internet pretty early compared to my friends because my dad is in computer science. I can’t remember the year, but I do remember that awful dial up noise.

Windows, Mac, or GNU/Linux?

Windows computer but iPhone. I know so many people prefer Mac, but I have been using Windows too long to switch. However, I am dedicated to the iPhone, so Apple is still getting my money.

Favorite TV show?

Dr. Who, hands down. So many powerful stories, it really makes me reflect on what it means to be human. Though I do feel emotionally traumatized every time he regenerates. And Tennant was the best doctor; fight me. Matt Smith is a solid number two.

I love all the Sci-Fi shows the streaming companies have been doing lately. Recently, I have been finishing up The Expanse on Amazon, it is a good show to watch while vegging on the couch. Other recent favorites include The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Travelers, and Altered Carbon.

When you aren’t sitting in front of a computer, what are you doing?

I’ve got two small kids, so most of my time these days is spent overthinking the plot line of terrible kids shows and building block houses.

Bubble Guppies has some major plot holes that need to be addressed, like how does Bubble Puppy get stuck in a tree under water? Couldn’t he just swim down? Why is there a beach under water? These are the real questions we need to be asking.

Who do you use for hosting?


What do you love about freelance writing?

There is so much to love. I enjoy the flexibility. I love that I can work anywhere. I love learning, so researching new topics is actually a lot of fun for me. I get a lot of satisfaction from pushing through a block in an article and finally finishing a piece I am really proud of.

Favorite and least favorite travel destination?

I love to travel and am pretty much always planning my next trip. My least favorite destination was probably Paris. While it was a cool trip, it didn’t live up to years of hype. Maybe one day I will go back with more realistic expectations. As for favorites, it is hard to choose one! I loved Amsterdam. Koln was amazing. I would probably choose the Swiss Alps. I went to visit a friend outside of Zurich and they took me on this sledding trail. The views were breathtaking.

Your favorite books?

This is another hard one! Like most writers, I love to read. My favorite book is usually whatever I’m reading right now. But I go through phases with different genres. Here are two that stick out.

Dinner With Mugabe, which is a fictional account of Zimbabwe politician Robert Mugabe having dinner with people who he had a hand in killing. It is really powerful. It sparked my interest in the politics in Zimbabwe.

And, for writers, Stephen King’s On Writing. I reread that one every few years.

Elsewhere on the Web

Danielle can be found elsewhere on the web:

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