Query of the Day – Archive
This is the archive of the most popular requests at Who is Hosting This? by day. To find out the web hosting provider for each site, just click the individual links.
Friday, July 4, 2008: Who is hosting GoFish
GoFish (OTCBB: GOFH) is a free video sharing website, headquartered in San Francisco, California, allowing visitors to watch and upload video clips, similar to websites like YouTube and Google Video. It was started in May 2005.
GoFish primarily differentiates itself from such websites by focusing on “directed” content (i.e. telling users what kinds of videos to make instead of just accepting whatever users come up with), and claiming to be the first to take the leap into merging online broadcasting with over the air broadcasting. The current push of GoFish Technologies, Inc., the company behind GoFish, is an online “reality show” that deals with dating and user-selected contestants, with the semifinalists completing the competition on an as yet undisclosed television network. GoFish pioneered this approach with the launch of America’s Dream Date last June — the first reality-themed online show harnessing user-generated video, and sponsored by a national beverage brand, Jetset Energy Drink. (read entire article at Wikipedia)
Friday, June 27, 2008: Who is hosting Blip.TV
blip.tv is a video sharing service designed for creators of user-generated content. blip.tv provides content creators with free hosting, support for a variety of video formats, distribution using technologies like RSS and an opt-in advertising program with a 50/50 revenue share. blip.tv focuses on “episodic content” or “shows,” rather than viral video.
In addition to its public services at www.blip.tv, the company also offers private label technology solutions for traditional media companies who want to integrate user-generated content into their existing platforms. Customers include Turner Broadcasting and Conde Nast. (read entire article at Wikipedia)
Friday, June 20, 2008: Who is hosting iFilm
ifilm.com was an online archive of short films, movie trailers, and other video clips of interest. Originally founded by independent media and filmmaker Raphael Raphael in 1997 as interactive film and media collective, it now hosts a variety of viral marketing videos, allowing these clips to spread between users easily.
On October 15, 2005, iFilm was purchased by MTV Networks in a multi-million dollar deal. It has since been rebranded as the online site of Spike. (read entire article at Wikipedia)
Friday, June 13, 2008: Who is hosting Imeem
imeem is a social media service where users interact with each other by watching, posting, and sharing content of all media types, including blogs, photos, audio, and video. The company was founded by Dalton Calwell (ex-VA Linux) and Jan Jannink (formerly of Napster) and many of the core engineers came from the original Napster file sharing service. Launched in October 2004, the service has both a social network structure as well as a content browsing/filtering structure similar to that of Flickr and YouTube. It works on an advertising based business model, and is therefore free to use.
According to imeem executives imeem has more than 25 million visitors per month with over 65,000 new users every day. Web tracking site quantcast.com corroborates these visitor numbers and indicates that imeem is the just outside the top 100 websites in the world and rank it as the top social music site. (read entire article at Wikipedia)
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Query of the Day Archive.