Your Search For Free Flag Icons Is Over (+ They Come In Multiple Sizes)

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Most major countries of the world are represented in this set of 244 different flag icons, which are simply styled in a minimalist way. Flag icons are useful for indicating languages, locations, contact information, and more. Get them here, for free.
Preview: Flat Flag Icons
All 244 flag icons in 3 different sized sets; (96x96px, 48x48px, 24x24px PNG format)
Flags included:
Usage and Attribution
You can use the icons for free for commercial and non-commercial projects alike, with one requirement: we ask for a credit in the form of a discreet “Flag icons by” link so that other webmasters can find and use the icons, too.
Here’s the HTML you’ll need – it works well on your “About” page:
Download World Flag Icons:
Download all 244 flag icons in 3 different sized sets; (96x96px, 48x48px, 24x24px PNG format) within this zip file: Flags-Icon-Set.zip
Flat Design — Never Goes Out of Style
There are a lot of fancy, complicated flag icon designs out there, from cute stickers, to 3d waving flags, even shiny buttons or pins.
But for icons that won’t interfere or distract from your own website design, you need a more simple, minimalist look. These flag icons don’t have any frills or special effects, and would look great with any web design.
We’ll discuss this in more detail below.
Perfect for Multi-lingual Websites
The Internet is a multi-cultural, multi-language virtual world. Only about half of all web pages online are in English, and the number of pages in languages other than English is growing rapidly.
As a webmaster, you’re communicating instantly with countries all over the world, from the United States to the United Kingdom to the United Arab Emirates and beyond.
When you’re talking to a global audience, sometimes you’ll have to clarify information or change your message depending on your reader’s location or language. You may need to convey location-dependent information such as shipping rates or office locations, or even offer your website’s content in multiple languages.
And when it comes to running a multi-language website, you know there’s a ton of work involved. From getting your content translated to technical issues like domain names and language codes, setting up a website for multiple languages is no easy task.
But you can make it a little simpler by using this free icon set.
Using icons to indicate information is often much more effective than just using text. People process information better and faster from images instead of text, and are more likely to remember information they learned visually.
Using flag icons to indicate languages makes it much faster and easier for your visitors to find their own native flag to switch to their language of choice.
Flag icons are a much more attractive design option than using a long list or a drop-down menu, keeping your site’s design less cluttered, and more streamlined and visually interesting.
More Free Flat Icons
Hungry for more free flat icons? We are happy to oblige!
We have two more sets: one in color and one in black & white.
Set One
This is a set of 43 free color flat icons have almost unlimited usefulness and look great.
Color Icon Preview
Here are a few full-size samples (128x128px) of the icons included in this set:
Here is the full collection:
Usage and Attribution
You can use the icons for free for commercial and non-commercial projects alike, with one requirement. We ask for a credit in the form of a discreet “Icons by” link so that other webmasters can find and use the icons, too.
Here’s the HTML you’ll need – it works well on your “About” page:
You can use these free flat icons on your website for:
- Web application menus (save, print)
- Navigation (check out the shopping basket icon)
- Listing services and products
- Highlighting product features (try the padlock or key icons to emphasize security)
- Emphasizing benefits (like using the money icon for savings or sales).
Downloading Icon Set One
The set includes 43 different images (128x128px PNG format), from basics like print and save icons, to more whimsical images like a cup of coffee and an umbrella.
Download all icons in this set: Flat-Icons-2.zip
Set Two
This package of icons contains two versions of flat design-style icons (one with circles circumscribing the icons, and one without). Each contains a wide variety of general use icons for webmasters, suitable for site design, blogs, social media, and multimedia uses.
Examples with and without circles:
B&W Icon (with Circles) Preview
B&W Icon (no Circles) Preview
Usage and Attribution
You can use the icons for free for commercial and non-commercial projects alike, with one requirement: we ask for a credit in the form of a discreet “Icons by” link so that other webmasters can find and use the icons, too.
Here’s the HTML you’ll need – it works well on your “About” page:
Downloading Icon Set Two
Both separated .PNG files and the original Photoshop .PSD files are included these zip files.
Downloads: Icon Set.zip | Icon Set with Circles.zip
Flat Design for the Web
Even those who aren’t involved in website design might have noticed a curiously minimalist trend sweeping some of the top online brands. It’s called “flat design,” and it’s the reason why so many sites from leading companies are looking a little bit more like smartphone applications these days.
Microsoft, Google, and Apple have all helped pioneer this new wave of elegance and clean lines in design. Let’s explore the exciting new aesthetic and find out what it’s all about.
What is Flat Design?
Flat design is a minimalist Web design aesthetic eschewing ornamentation, three-dimensionality, and the appearance of texture.
Simplicity is the most sought-after characteristic in flat design: As a result, flat designs transfer easily from traditional desktop environments to mobile platforms, such as the tablet and smartphone.
Some of the most familiar flat designs are those intended to work with a touchscreen, such as Windows 8’s “Metro” interface.
Flat design typically differentiates between important elements using boxes of a single hue rather than those that appear “shadowed” or “beveled.” Making flat design visually interesting means using typography creatively and focusing on compelling content.
Without having to worry about drop shadows, embossing, gradients, or “making things pop,” designers can focus on creating an intuitive hierarchy of elements that users will understand naturally.
Flat Design vs Skeuomorphic Design
Skeuomorphic design as we know it was introduced to computer interfaces in the mid-1980s by developers at Apple. Skeuomorphism is a design philosophy that prioritizes decorative elements and realism, making interfaces similar to familiar objects.
In technical terms, a skeuomorphic design mimics the conventions of the “analog” world. This was a valuable way to help early computer users, who were not familiar with digital navigation, to quickly learn the basics and adapt to the needs of various software programs.
Skeuomorphism has changed over time, becoming less “literal.” Some of the earliest versions of Windows, for example, came bundled with proprietary programs that organized users’ software by displaying a wooden shelf full of packaged computer programs.
As interfaces have become more familiar to users, skeuomorphism has become more subtle, and it has often been criticized as cluttered. However, this is the first time in the history of Web design so many companies have shown such a strong preference for flat design.
- Skeuomorphic vs Flat Design — Specs Howard School of Media Arts
- It Was Time for Skeuomorphism to Die — Forbes Magazine
- Defining and Understanding Skeuomorphism — Sacha Greif
- The Flattening of Design — The New York Times.
Why Flat Design is Ruling the Web
Although flat design has been around for a long time, it is enjoying a resurgence. Part of the reason is because Apple, back when it released iOS 7, re-engineered the iPhone interface to use flat design.
Another reason has to do with the changing profile of Web design. Instead of being concerned exclusively with aesthetics, many designers now have software development duties; flat design helps designers maintain sites more easily.
Finally, flat design is a valuable tool in making websites more adaptable for users with different screen resolutions, browsers, and more.
As more and more devices become capable of going online and using applications, it is likely that flat design will maintain an important place in usability.
Companies are preparing for “The Internet of Things,” the idea that items such as televisions, refrigerators, and other appliances will soon have online connectivity. Flat design will be crucial to developing software that works across these “new frontiers” and that can be easily re-engineered for platforms as they emerge.
In short, flat design is an idea whose time has come — although its future on the Web is unclear.
- Why Flat Design is Significant — UX Magazine
- Flat and Thin Are In — Smashing Magazine
- Why Flat Design Will Continue to Rule the World — Shutterstock
- Why Flat Design is Here to Stay — How Magazine.
What’s Next?
Despite the roaring popularity of flat design, there are some signs that it may not be dominant on the Web at large for very long.
Many people find flat designs uncomfortable and confusing, preferring the more varied aesthetic cues that can be provided by skeuomorphism. Naysayers complain that flat design makes desktop content look more like mobile content, rather than focusing on making mobile content more robust.
In some quarters, a new, “cleaner” approach to skeuomorphism that integrates the best features of flat design is already being extensively tested.
- 6 Reasons Flat Design Will Die Soon — The Design Blitz
- Is Flat Design Already Passé? — Fast Company Design
- Thoughts on Post-Flat Design — Collective Ray
Flat design may not always be as popular as it is today. But it will never look bad the way trends of the past have, like blinking text. So you really can’t go wrong using it.
The icons we are providing for free are a great place to start. So whether they are flag icons or the others, download them today and see what you come up with.
Text written by KeriLynn Engel with addition content by the WhoIsHostingThis Team. Compiled and edited by Frank Moraes.
October 3, 2019
In your Flag Icon Set, the TN.png, TO.png and TR.png isn’t displayed right. Can you correct this?