Parents Guide to Internet Safety

Technology today has created a new world that a generation ago was not available to our children. Today with the Internet, smart phones, social media, texting and a host of other technological advances, children have available a wealth of information and access. While this access is good, it brings with it some potential dangers, especially for children. These are mostly hidden dangers, that parents should educate their children at a young age.

Today, parents need to be concerned with what and who their children are communicating with online. These include the websites they visit, the apps they use on their phones and who they are receiving messages from. The dangers could be in the form of viewing inappropriate websites, cyber bullying, contact with sexual predators and a host of other potential dangers.

To keep children safe while online parents need to be aware of the sites their kids visit, who they are conversing or hanging out with online and any unusual activity. This education should start at an early age and should continue until children are grown up.

As a way to help parents keep kids safe online, we have put together the following helpful information. We hope this helps parents and kids remain safe while online!

Parent Guidelines

Kids and the Web

Online Predators

  • Sexual Predators Online – Information and advice on how to avoid the dangers of online predators.
  • Access to Kids – Helpful information for parents to learn how predators can have access to kids.
  • Avoiding Online Predators – Web page with tips and information on how children can avoid online predators.
  • Online Predators – Informative web page with information for parents on what to look for to prevent children from being a victim of an online predator.
  • Facts About Online Predators – Useful page that deals with the problems of online predators.

Cyber bullying

Personal Information

Tips for Kids

Tips for Parents

  • Family Online Safety – Useful article that provides parents with safety tips for online usage.
  • Internet Safety Tips – Page that contains information on online safety issues for parents and kids.

Additional Resources