How To Build Your Twitter Brand: It’s Easier to Build a Following than You Think

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Twitter is one of the fastest growing and most commonly used social media platforms available and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. If you want to grow your business and increase awareness of what you do in the social media realm, then Twitter is the place to do it.
However, that doesn’t mean you can just hop onto Twitter are start saying anything in 140 characters or less. If you want to be successful on Twitter, you need to be sure you follow a few easy steps.
Keep It Simple
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Keep your posts simple and to the point and make sure you stay on message with every single tweet you send.
Be Yourself
One of the worst things you can do is hop on Twitter and try to be someone other than who you are. This is especially true if you run a business. Don’t ever be someone you are not. Be honest about who you are and what you do. Your audience will reward you for it with more shares and more followers.
Tweet and Share Quality Content
Twitter users appreciate good content. Let’s be honest, there is a ton of useless spam that happens across all social media channels. Users today don’t have the patience for useless content but they do reward people who post useful content that is interesting, funny and helpful to them. When posting anything for your followers to see, make sure it is something you believe they will find fun or useful.
Always Reply to Everything
If someone names you in one of their tweets, or asks you a question, be sure you always respond by thanking them or answering their question and try to do so rather quickly after they message you. This quick interact will help you build a solid and reliable reputation with your audience so they trust you.
Give Back
If you really want to grow your audience and build your reputation on Twitter, you have to give as much, if not more, than you get. How do you do that? It is actually quite simple. Here are a few ways you can give back:
- If someone shares something that you have posted, make the effort to share something that they post with your audience as well.
- Share your knowledge with your followers and answer their questions.
- Offer something free or a discount with a couple if you are a business exclusive for your Twitter audience.
Just a little goes a long way, but you need to make sure you make your offer only to your Twitter audience as a way of rewarding them for following you and sharing what you post.
Stay Active
This could be one of the toughest parts about using Twitter. Unlike other social media platforms, Twitter is much more active. You need to be on and interacting with your users on a regular basis if you ever hope to be successful. Many people think that means living on Twitter all day, every day. But this is not the case. You will need to devote time each day toward your followers sharing with them and interacting with them in order for you to be successful.
Final Thoughts
Twitter is one of the most powerful social media tools available and if you use it correctly, you can quickly grow your social media presence and, in the process, grow your business as your followers begin to reward you simply because you decided to interact with them on a regular basis.
Related Resources:
Double Your Twitter Followers: this infographic shows easy methods and tips to increase your followers on Twitter.
What Happens in a Twitter Minute: our designers put together this graphic representation of Twitter activity, statistics and trivia bits.
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