WhoIsHostingThis.com Timeline

Trust is really important to us. If you met us at college, we’d be the ones talking about commitment and long term relationships.

If you don’t trust us, you won’t use our services, recommend us to friends, save us in your bookmarks or send us those warm fuzzy feelings of approval that we crave.

So as well as introducing our team and how the site is funded, we want you to understand where this site has come from.

2007: The Good Ol’ Days

Back in summer ’07, the site was launched by two guys- Stan Schroeder and Gordan Orlic. Stan now blogs at Mashable, while Gordan runs many Croatian websites, such as WhoIs.Com.hr.

The original design was pretty basic. Back then, WIHT only offered the ‘Find a Host’ service so the design just has a central search box. Simple & effective.

2008: New Management

In the summer of 2008, WhoIsHostingThis.com was acquired by London-based Quality Nonsense Ltd (um, that’s us).

We run a network of sites for webmasters. The company employs a crack team of programmers, webmasters, designers and writers and is run by a guy called Richard.

When Quality Nonsense bought WIHT, Richard and the rest of the team had some big ideas on how to make it a better service. It wasn’t long before the simple host-check feature was complimented by the following features:

Obviously, all these new features meant the design had to develop – hence the fresh look for the site. It managed to fit in all the new features without looking cluttered or detracting from the central tool.

2009: A Work In Progress

In 2009, we decided it was time for a complete overhaul. Feedback said our users didn’t know about a lot of the extra features that on offer, and we wanted to fix that.

This meant another redesign, this time by DesignBuzz.

Several months and some serious hard graft later, it was ready to go live just in time for Christmas.

2010: Redesign Launch

The new design launched at the beginning of 2010. We don’t want to get too gushy about all this, but the redesign was a real labour of love; we’re incredibly proud to see that all our hard work paid off and that WIHT is now going from strength to strength.

We’re constantly working on the site, so if you find anything wrong or have any feedback, please do get in touch!

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