Welcome to our collection of tools for small to midsize business webmasters:

Webmaster Tool Descriptions

What’s My IP Address?

Use this tool to identify your Internet Protocol (IP) address. Learn why and how you, as a small business owner or webmaster, should use IP address numbers to screen out internal traffic from your website. (Internal traffic includes that from staff, freelancers, and vendors.)

Learn how to use our tool to begin this step-by-step process and find out how IP addresses are used in marketing automation that can produce remarkable results for your business. We hope that reading that information will be a first step for you to expand the possibilities for your small business.

WHOIS and Domain Lookup Tool

Use this tool to find out if a domain name you’re considering is available. Learn what “WHOIS” stands for and what you, as a small business owner, need to know about it. Browse our list of top factors that make for a good domain name choice. Find out why some domains are more valuable than others and why you might not want to dump your old domain name.

HTML Cheat Sheet

It’s easy to forget HTML tags, especially if you aren’t using them regularly. Keep our interactive cheat sheet handy to speed up web tasks like email template design and page formatting.

Browse web hosting provider reviews

Looking for a quick answer? Our featured hosting partners are all five-star providers that offer everything you need to build your first website, all wrapped up with an affordable price tag and beginner-friendly interface.

We offer in-depth reviews of a wide-range of web hosting providers to help you to make the right choice based on your specific needs.

You can search through our database of web hosting company reviews, which are regularly updated. Or, you can find our pages that list the top web hosting companies for different situations such as the Best WordPress Hosting, Best Website Builders, Best Cheap Web Hosting, and more.