5 Signs You’re a Bad Hosting Customer

As a client of a web hosting company, you have responsibilities and duties.

A bad client can harm other customers on by causing reliability problems and other issues that detract from their experience.

How can you tell if you are a bad hosting client? Here are five warning signs to watch out for.

1. You Change Hosts Constantly

Changing hosts is often easy. Sometimes it’s a pain. Hosts prefer customers to stay with them for a while to offset the resources needed for a move.

Try to stick with one host for six months.

Are you constantly switching for a better price? Are you constantly under-estimating your needs? A little more research might help.

2. You File Support Tickets All the Time

How many support requests do you file per month?

Could you be leaning too hard on the staff?

As a client, you have a responsibility to try and understand your own site and make an effort to diagnose some of the more simple problems.

A basic understanding of your site can save you and your host a lot of headache.

3. Your Site Goes Down Regularly

If your site is routinely going down and you’re being chastised for using too many resources, either work on your site or rethink your hosting.

Putting too much strain on a shared hosting account can negatively impact the others on the same server.

4. Your Security is Poor

If you don’t pay attention to security, your host could be within its rights to be irritated.

Security blunders are easy to make, but they can be very costly. Many blame their hosts when they are hacked, even if it is their own error that lead to the problem.

5. You Expect Too Much

Any host that charges a very low monthly fee is going to have problems. Even Google suffers from downtimes on occasion. Even the best host will not be perfect.

You should expect uptime well above 99.5%, but 100% isn’t always achievable.

Helping Your Host

Running a website requires a cool head, some basic knowledge and a realistic outlook.

When you find a host that offers your site a good home, stick it out and meet them half way.

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5 Signs You’re a Bad Hosting Customer by
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  • http://www.mddhosting.com/ Michael Denney

    Excellent post.