W3 Total Cache Fixes Bugs, Adds Features with Update

W3 Total Cache, previously covered here, has released version .9 (technically, as of this writing, .9.1.1) which adds new features and fixes several of the bugs and gripes users had with the previous release.

According to the changelog, over 35 new features and fixes were added into version .9, not counting some additional 10 changes made in the two subsequent versions.

Most of the changes are targeted at fixing gripes and limitations with the .8 version, especially at YSlow issues that contiuously caused sites to earn bad scores even though they were being heavily cached. The new version also adds a new, easier UI that helps speed up configuring the notoriously cumbersome plugin and also fixes several conflicts with other plugins, most notable mobile site plugins that feed a different version of the site to mobile devices.

For those who were on the fence about using W3 Total Cache, especially those who were already using another caching plugin, like WP Super Cache, now may be a great time to jump on board as W3 is now more complete, more stable and faster than ever. 

W3 Total Cache’s New Features

While there are many new features in this version of W3, there are several features in particular that stand out and deserve attention:

  1. Preview Feature: You can now “Preview” your cache settings to make sure it doesn’t blow up your site before pushing it live. Very useful when trying out new caching methods and experimenting with new features.
  2. Object Caching: Targeted mostly at very dynamic sites, object caching adds yet another layer of caching into the plugin.
  3. Mobile Redirection: Can redirect mobile users to a different theme based upon their user agent.
  4. New Minify Configuration Wizard: Makes it easier to set up minification for your site, reducing errors and helping to ensure all appropriate files are minified.
  5. Additional CDN Support: Added native support for MaxCDN, NetDNA and RackSpace Cloud Files, three content delivery networks that are rapidly rising in popularity.

However, likely the most important feature is the new “Install” section, which walks users through the basic setup and operation of the plugin. Where, previously, guidance was limited to blog posts and scant documentation in the plugin itself, the new support section walks users through, step-by-step, the most common settings. This includes how to install needed extensions on your server and how to configure htaccess files to use the plugin if the plugin can’t do it for some reason.

There is also a new “Support” section that allows the user to request premium support, as well as file bug requests and submit new feature ideas.

Fixing Gripes with W3 Total Cache

The biggest gripe many had with W3 is that it could not be used reliably with most WordPress mobile plugins. That issue has been addressed and users can now not only integrate with mobile browsing plugins, but also redirect mobile users to a different theme within W3.

Best of all, since W3 has now added support for caching of multiple themes, instead of just the active one, cached versions of the mobile themes can be served.

Beyond that, W3 has greatly improved the reliability and fullness of its interaction with various CDNs, both by adding new ones, as listed above, and making changes to its interactions with existing ones. For example, W3 will now add expiration headers to files uploaded to CloudFront, an issue that hurt YSlow scores for many bloggers.

All in all, W3 has fixed a large number of bugs and problems that plagued and annoyed users, greatly improving its reliability and effectiveness.

Some Limitations of W3 Total Cache

As great as W3 is, there are still a few hiccups and issues that may need to be addressed before the plugin makes it to 1.0, especially if it is going to be usable by bloggers less familiar with the ins and outs of managing a server.

First, though the explanation of how to use the plugin is much better in this version, it is still not crystal clear. The “Install” section goes a long way but is still short on specifics in certain areas, such as which settings are best in certain situations. The plugin, through its options, does some hand holding but there is still an overwhelming feeling of “being thrown to the wolves” in places.

Second, there are still a few bugs, especially with the new features. I ran into an issue where I could not enable object caching despite completing the required steps (namely uninstalling other caching plugins and making wp-content writeable). Though not really a necessary feature for me, it was frustrating to not be able to flip it on.

Finally, though the UI is drastically improved, it could still stand some additional tweaking. The plugin is constantly directing you to different tabs for closely related features and sometimes it can feel like guesswork what tab the feature you need is on. While this is certainly better, there’s still room for the plugin to improve and grow in this area.

For the most part though, the areas where W3 is lacking are almost purely cosmetic and can easily be dealt with. This is clearly the best version of the plugin to date and since W3 was already the best caching plugin available, this puts it even farther ahead than its competitors.

Bottom Line

If you haven’t used W3 before, now is a great time. However, bear in mind that most of the plugin’s advanced features are only for those with a VPS or a dedicated server that can install the required services. Though shared servers will still see a performance increase and can still use CDN integration, they won’t be able to used advanced caching methods and will be limited to disk caching.

If you’ve been on the fence about W3, this may well be the version that pulls you in.

Though I’ve been using the plugin for some time, I’ve never been more happy with it than I am today and I’m already eagerly anticipating the next release to see what further improvements are made.Keep up with posts like this by subscribing to our RSS feed, or following @WhoIsHosting on Twitter.

W3 Total Cache Fixes Bugs, Adds Features with Update by
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