3 Bizarre, Extreme Hosting Data Centres
Hosting isn’t often thought of as ‘exciting’.
However, the industry is evolving fast.
Modern hosting is sold in a very different way to the hosting used during the evolution of the web. Data centres are also smarter, stronger and more secure.
So what are the most bizarre and extreme data centres? What are they doing to revolutionise web hosting?
1. The Nuke-Proof Data Centre
Banhof, one of Sweden’s most popular web hosts, has set up a datacenter located in an abandoned nuclear bunker.
The bunker, code named Pionen White Mountains during its military days, rests below nearly 100 feet of solid rock. It was designed to withstand a near-direct nuclear strike.
Inside, it looks like a set from a spy movie. With simulated daylight and greenhouses, the data centre’s 15 full-time employees have one of the most unique work environments on the planet.
Even the backup system is unique: it’s powered by old submarine engines and has an alarm klaxon from the same source.
Fittingly, the facility has hosted a few servers for Wikileaks.
It’s not the only nuke-proof data centre in the world. In the Netherlands, Cyberbunker turned a bunker into a datacenter. At one time, it hosted servers for The Pirate Bay.
2. The Portable Data Centre
Elliptical Mobile Solutions develops portable datacenters that can be set up anywhere and moved with ease.
Portable datacenters are used in military and disaster recovery situations. They’re extremely efficient in terms of the power they use.
Every unit from Elliptical comes with a full rack of space, built-in cooling systems and various armour types to protect against physical attack. The company even offers a self-propelled unit that’s the size of a household fridge.
3. The Data Centre Out to Sea
HavenCo had a datacenter on the micronation of Sealand, a territory that’s simply a WW2 anti-aircraft platform in the English Channel.
Sealand is located about seven miles off the cost of England in international water.
HavenCo could host content considered illegal by other hosting companies because of its location. Child porn was not allowed – pretty much everything else was.
HavenCo ceased operation in 2008. This wasn’t before the company gained significant mainstream media attention, including a cover article in Wired Magazine.
Is Hosting Getting More Extreme?
Uptime is always important, and many hosts will do whatever they can to market a great uptime guarantee.
As military facilities go out of use, data centres are ideal new tenants.
The trend for extreme hosting setups in tiny ‘micronations’ raises some questions about how the law can compete.
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