Double Your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

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Whether you use it for business, pleasure, or both, Twitter is likely a large part of your social media life. With nearly 650,000,000 users, sending more than half a billion tweets every single day, the Internet’s water cooler is also overflowing with opportunities to attract hordes of new followers ripe for conversion into new customers and fans.
Even if you have a substantial following on Twitter (if you’ve got more than 208, you’re beating the average—although it’s worth remembering that six out of ten Twitter accounts have no followers whatsoever), you can attract more—significantly more—by making just a few simple changes to the way you approach Twitter.
One of the easiest ways to boost your followers is to work with the connections you already have. Twitter’s Find Friends option lets you search your Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, and AOL mail address books for contacts who’ve already signed up for Twitter. You can also manually import contacts, either one at a time or with addresses copied from a .csv (comma-separated values) spreadsheet. For example, LinkedIn allows you to export your contacts to a file in this format with just a few clicks. You can also invite friends who don’t already use Twitter to do so using the same method.
Following contacts with whom you’ve already connected on other sites not only encourages them to follow you back on Twitter, but lets you see who else they follow (along with who else follows them), expanding your pool of potential followers with every person you add.
Adding contacts is a smart start, but the one of the most important aspects of using Twitter lies in how you interact with your followers. You’re far more likely to attract new followers (and build stronger relationships with existing ones) if you converse with, rather than simply broadcast to, them. And providing high-quality content that’s useful and meaningful to your audience (as opposed to endless self-promotion) can make a big difference in gaining retweets and new followers. Adding an image to a tweet doubles the interaction it receives; tweets with links are 86% more likely to be retweeted by others.
Beyond connecting with your followers with content and conversation, remember to keep promoting your Twitter account in other media, use tools such as lists and hashtag searches to track followers (and find new ones) that fall within your target audience, and update your profile frequently to help interested folks find you. With just a little concerted effort, you could be well on your way to doubling your Twitter followers in no time.
Check out the rest of this series, and become a social media powerhouse!
- Double Your Facebook Likes in Just Five Minutes a Day
- Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day
- Double Your Instagram Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day
- Double Your LinkedIn Connections in Just Five Minutes a Day
Double Your Twitter Followers in Just 5 Minutes Per Day
Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms with more than 645 million users and 135,000 new users signing up daily. Whether you are trying to get more followers for your business or your personal brand, it’sbetter to have engaged followers instead of just followers. Spend just five minutes each day doing some of the following and you will be on your way to doubling your followers.
Perfect Your Profile
Most users will check your profile before they follow you.
Profile picture
- Personal accounts: Use a close-up photo of your face
- Business accounts: Use a company logo
- It is searchable within Twitter, so use the 160 characters you have to show people why they should follow you.
- Take notes from other Twitter bios that you like and write something similar.
- The Washington Post declared Hillary Clinton’s bio the “best bio ever”: “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficianado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD… “
- According to Beevolve, “love” is the most frequently used word in Twitter bios.
Tweet More
More tweets = More followers
According to a study conducted by Beevolve:
- Users with fewer than 1,000 tweets usually have less than 100 followers.
- Those that have tweeted more than 10,000 times have between 1,001-5,000 followers.
- Those with more than 15,000 tweets have between 100,001 to 1 million followers.
Those who post on a regular basis tend to have more followers.
- Schedule tweets with tools like HootSuite so that you are consistently posting, even when you are busy. Be careful when using these tools, too many posts or impersonal broadcasts may turn followers away.
- Using hashtags can grow the visibility of your tweets. Don’t overdo the hashtags. You will see 21% more engagement when using one or two hashtags compared to using three or more.
Use Your Connections
Find connections you already have through email and LinkedIn.
- People are more likely to follow you if you already have a relationship or connection to them.
- Start by following your contacts on Twitter, make sure you get them all with these steps:
- Go to your LinkedIn contacts page
- Select “Settings”
- Export your contacts in a .CSV file
- Upload it to your email contacts
- Import your email contacts on your Twitter account
- Choose which connections you want to follow
Get Involved in Twitter Chats
Join in on weekly twitter chats, or start your own, and engage with others in your field. You will:
- Meet new people (and potential followers)
- Become an industry insider
- Learn about your sector and those in it
- Stay informed on hot topics within your industry
- Have an outlet to promote your brand
Successful Twitter Chat Stats
- Toyota held a successful Twitter chat with the Toyota USA President Jim Lentz during the 2011 Detroit Auto Show. During the 60-minute chat Lentz was able to answer 31 questions and engage with Toyota fans.
- Travel Weekly holds monthly Twitter chats. Their June chat on #Familytravel received over 1,500 tweets in one hour.
Find New Followers
- Find and follow people that share your interest and are in your industry.
- Follow those that are engaged in the posts that you are commenting on and retweeting.
- Use Tweet Grader, Twitter Search and other similar tools to help you find Twitter users within your industry.
- Search hashtags within your niche and join in on conversations. Follow the people your followers follow.
- People are more likely to follow you if you are following them, so follow as many people as possible.
- Find and follow influential people within your industry and retweet their posts.
- Some Twitter users create public lists that other users can subscribe to. This is a quick way to access hundreds of vetted Twitter users and potential followers within your target audience.
Keep Followers Engaged
Communicate with your followers:
- Mention them
- Retweet their tweets
Keep your followers engaged by tweeting content that is interesting to your target audience.
- Post product-focused content occasionally, not all the time, and present it in a way that isn’t overly promotional.
- When you aren’t using this type of content, give them something educational or interesting.
- According to Buffer App, tweets including links are 86% more likely to be retweeted.
- Use Google Alerts to stay up to date on topics your target audience is interested in, then tweet about it.
Share photos and video
- For example, realtors can share tours of a new house and store owners can share photos of their new window display.
- According to Buffer App, tweets that include image links get 2x more engagement than those without.
Learn From the Best
Learn from the largest Twitter publisher in Europe, Anton Perlkvist.
- He attributes his success in part to giving the people what they want, understanding what goes viral and how it goes viral.
- He uses Twitter tools to help him tweet and retweet while he’s sleeping.
- He uses tools like Tweetdeck, Bufferapp and Twitter for iPhone to manage his Twitter accounts.
- Anton manages accounts like @Fun and @GoogleFacts and has over 9 million followers.
Promote Your Twitter
Promoting online, in emails and on your site is important, but it is also important to promote offline.
Promote your Twitter account everywhere!
- In your store window: Display a sign in your store window encouraging customers to follow you.
- Business cards: Use a simple customized user name that is easy for others to read and search for online.
- Advertising: Add links or info on your Twitter account to all types of advertising (magazine, newspapers, radio, TV).
- Marketing material: Include your Twitter info on all of your marketing material, including brochures, magazines, posters, media packets and promotional material.
- Events: Include your Twitter info on all promotional materials used at your event, whether it is a poster at your stand or on flyers you are handing out.
- Conversation: When you meet new people, make new connections, have phone calls or meetings, mention your Twitter and encourage them to follow you.
- Twitter Statistics – statisticbrain.com
- 5 Ways Twitter Chats Can Help Your Business – socialmediaexaminer.com
- How Toyota Used a Twitter Chat to Connect With Its Fans – therealtimereport.com
- #Familytravel chat a success on Twitter – travelweekly.com
- How To Dramatically Increase Your Twitter Following – forbes.com
- 8 Guaranteed Ways to Increase Social Media Reach – blog.hubspot.com
- How Anton Perlkvist Got 9 Million Twitter Followers – whoishostingthis.webstag.xyz
- 4 Ways to Grow a Twitter Following That Matters – socialmediaexaminer.com
- How to Write a Rockstar Twitter Bio – mashable.com
- Twitter Study Reveals the Secret to Getting More Followers – mashable.com
- he Pros and Cons of Twitter Automation – socialmediaimpact.com
- 10 Killer Offline Social Media Tips – funkysocialmedia.com
- Twitter Bios and What They Really Say – nytimes.com
- An Exhaustive Study of Twitter Users Across the World – beevolve.com
- 10 Surprising New Twitter Stats to Help You Reach More Followers – blog.bufferapp.com
March 18, 2014
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Social media opptimization
April 23, 2014
is nice article. Quite Informative blog..twitter play an important role in
business executives communicate with different domain peoples and will
introduce their business products as well and convince them to get leads form
their side.
Double Your Twitter Followers in Just 5 Minutes Per Day [Infographic]
September 30, 2015
[…] Read more about how to double your Twitter followers in just 5 minutes per day from this infographic shared by Whoishostingthis. […]