13 Sci-Fi Gadgets You Won’t Believe Already Exist
Space-age inventions and innovations have been a staple of futuristic entertainment since before The Jetsons. Flying cars and robot maids are still a ways off, but it might surprise you to learn that some of high-tech toys and tools from “the future” are actually already available today.
If you’ve ever seen Disney’s Up, then you’re familiar with the high-tech collar worn by Dug the dog that enabled the friendly critter to talk to humans. You can’t hold a conversation with your favorite pooch just yet, but you can keep track of their vital signs and overall health using the Voyce collar. This smart collar keeps careful record of your dog’s heart and respiratory rate, as well as his caloric intake (no snacks for Fido!) and activity level. This information can, in turn, be reviewed to help you understand how your dog is engaging with the world, plan for better nutrition and exercise, and help stave off potential problems.
Not looking to draw up a medical chart for your dog? You can keep track of your own heart rate and oxygen consumption instead using next-gen earphone tech. Both established companies like LG and newcomers like Kickstarter-funded Dash have in-ear devices that combine entertainment with health management for the most high-tech health-monitoring device this side of Dr. McCoy’s medical tricorder (which is, by the way, also available, if not in tricorder form).
Next-gen gadgets aren’t all focused on health, of course. Controversy surrounds the use of drones as weapons of war, but they’re also being readied for comparatively quotidian use as delivery vehicles. Both Internet retail giant Amazon.com and Australian textbook company Zookal are developing drone-delivery programs that promise to make receiving the items we order more convenient than ever.
Other futuristic tools and toys include self-sterilizing doorknobs, water-powered lamps, and even erasers that scan, analyze, and store what you erase, as you’re erasing it.
Can food replicators and teleportation be far behind?
Transcript: 13 Sci-Fi Gadgets You Won’t Believe Already Exist
With movies and TV shows like Back to the Future and The Jetson’s, dreaming of futuristic technology is nothing new. Now, instead of just dreaming, these gadgets are becoming a reality, from smart watches to transparent televisions.
Drones Delivering Products
- In 2013 Amazon announced they are developing a new service, Amazon Prime Air.
- Their goal is to deliver a package to a customer within 30 minutes of ordering via an unmanned aerial device – a drone.
- Due to FAA regulations, they won’t be able to use these drones in the U.S. until 2015 at the earliest.
- Zookal, a textbook company, is launching their drone delivery service in early 2014 in Sydney, Australia.
- Deliveries from 1 of 6 drones will be dropped off at an outdoor location of the customer’s choosing.
- Anti-collision technology is built in to avoid trees, buildings, birds, etc. since the drones will not be equipped with cameras to keep privacy at an all time high.
- A whiteboard eraser with a built-in memory chip that scans and remembers everything as it is being erased from the board.
- It can recognize handwriting, URL’s, emails, etc.
- Data is able to be saved via email wirelessly from the eraser.
- An LCD screen shows the scanned information during the erasing process.
- A camera that captures 360 images.
- The Tammagraph, or picture, can be rotated in a complete circle and towards the sky or ground.
- The camera doesn’t move to capture the 360 degree space – it has a curved lens to make the image capture possible.
No More Woof
- A headset placed on dogs that can read their brainwaves then translate it into human speech.
- Uses EEG sensors to monitor brain waves.
- The headset reads signals which represent mental states like fatigue, hunger, and excitement.
- The device can currently read up to four thought patterns.
WAT Lamp
- The lamp can generate light when fueled with water.
- When combined with water, the hydro electric battery generates an electrochemical reaction and heats up.
The Transparent TV
- Combines the LCD technology we are all used to with the latest TOLED display technology (transparent organic light emitting display).
- TOLED displays can be emitted from the bottom of the device, the top of the device, or both.
Electrolux Wirio
- Helps to prepare meals in a creative way.
- Is comprised of one home element and four detachable devices.
- The main element charges the four detachable elements, keeping the food warm.
- The device automatically cleans and sanitizes itself without using water.
Cybernetic Reading
- TouchHear would allow you to touch a printed word you are reading to hear the pronunciation and meaning.
- An implanted device in the fingertip would recognize the characters, and another device implanted in the ear would relay the information.
- This could be an option for Braille or books on tape in the future.
Immersed Senses
- A scuba diving mask which allows the extracted oxygen to flow freely throughout the helmet, as if you are breathing on land without any breathing apparatus.
- The OLED display gives the diver access to underwater GPS maps, can identify species of fish, and also lets you know about oxygen toxicity, nitrogen levels, and body temperature to keep the diver safe at all times.
Self-Sterilizing Door Handle
- Helps prevent the spread of different viruses, which are commonly spread through hand contact.
- When the handle is not in use, it is constantly being sterilized by a built in UV lamps, killing off any germs that may have been placed on it.
- Once in use, the UV lamp turns off.
Heart Rate Earphones
- Track heart rate and oxygen consumption through the ears.
- Measures the changes in blood flow around the user’s ear.
- The heart rate can be played as an audio track through the headphones.
FitBit for Dogs
- Measures a dog’s heart and respiratory rate, counts calories, and keeps track of whether or not a dog is getting enough exercise.
- Changes in the dog’s activity level could indicate early signs of common conditions including arthritis, hip dysplasia, heart and lung problems and anxiety.
- This could lead to early diagnosis and treatment.
Makerbot Z18
- A 3D printer large enough to make bowls, lamps, and even small pieces of furniture.
- Meant for industrial spaces.
- 30 Cool High Tech Gadgets To Give Your Home A Futuristic Look – designyourway.net
- 7 Coolest Futuristic Gadgets from Japan’s Biggest Tech Show – rediff.com
- 9 Recklessly Optimistic Tech Predictions For 2014 – huffingtonpost.co.uk
- Amazon’s drone delivery: How would it work? – cnn.com
- Smartwatch Roundup – Are They worth It? – usatoday.com
- 6 Big Tech Debuts to Watch in 2014 – inc.com
- Futuristic Headset Translates Your Dog’s Thoughts Into Human Language – inhabitat.com
- 6 Futuristic Gadgets That Exist Today – pcworld.idg.com.au
- World’s First Jetpack to Hit the Market in 2014, New Prototype Unveiled – inhabitat.com
- PayPal Beacon – paypal.com
- Zookal Will Deliver Textbooks Using Drones in Australia next Year – cnn.com
- Whiteboard Eraser Scans Board While Erasing – agbeat.com
- Tamaggo 360-Imager, New Breed of Panoramic Camera – agbeat.com
- Hey, Where’s The Google Glass App For The iPhone? – readwrite.com
- Electrolux Wirio: Futuristic Cooking Device! – hometone.com
- Info at Your Fingertips? Futuristic Cybernetic Reading – gajitz.com
- Immersed Senses Lets Scuba Diver Breathe and Move Freely Underwater – designbuzz.com
- The ‘FitBit’ for DOGS: $299 Collar Measures Heart Rate, Counts Calories and Checks If a Pet Is Getting Enough Exercise – dailymail.co.uk
- Would YOU Wear These Gadgets? Wearable Tech Is Set to Be 2014’s Biggest Trend (but It Looks Anything but Cool) – dailymail.co.uk
- Mashable’s Best Tech of CES 2014 – mashable.com
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August 2nd, 2014 at 6:42 pm
Really cool futuristic stuff!
December 12th, 2014 at 10:55 am