The Lazy Webmaster’s Year Planner

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Download Webmaster Calendar 2014/2015 (PDF)

As a webmaster, you know there’s so much more involved in website maintenance than meets the eye.

A successful webmaster’s to-do list is never ending. There’s marketing to be done: social media, guest blogging, sending email newsletters, and other regular tasks. You also need to interact with visitors by answering emails, replying to comments, and interacting on social media. Besides marketing and promoting your blog, there’s plenty of work to be done behind the scenes as well, from comment moderation to regular website maintenance like cleaning old files and updating software and plugins.

And what’s worse, forgetting many of these tasks is no small matter. Not replying to comments or leaving spam on your website can make you look bad and lower your visitor’s trust in your website. Forgetting to update your software or plugins can leave your site vulnerable to hackers. And if you don’t update your website’s content and design on a regular basis, you’ll be missing out on a lot of potential traffic.

But with such a full to-do list, how can you stay organized and make sure everything gets done?

Many webmasters use calendars to organize their to-do list, schedule repeat tasks, and stay up-to-date on events, conferences, and holidays.

With this 2014-2015 Webmaster’s Calendar, you can streamline your work and easily boost your productivity:

  • Keep informed of conferences around the United States, from Affiliate Summit East in New York to Incite Summit West in San Francisco.
  • Be reminded of seasonal marketing opportunities with plenty of time to plan ahead, including important retail holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and seasonal events like back to school planning in the fall.
  • Learn and share important events in internet history, like when the first website came online, the date of Microsoft’s 40 birthday, and how old Twitter turns next March.
  • Celebrate the birthdays of famous founders like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jimmy Wales.

In PDF form, our Webmaster’s Calendar is perfect for printing out and hanging above your desk, so you can write in all the critical tasks you need to accomplish on schedule to keep your website running optimally.

Why a PDF Calendar?

With all the project management and calendar apps available, why use a PDF calendar?

We designed a downloadable PDF calendar so you can keep your most important tasks right in front of you while you work.

An online calendar or project management app will only really work when you’re looking at it. Sure, you can set reminders, but as soon as your phone stops buzzing you’re on your own again, and all your tasks are “out of sight, out of mind.”

With a PDF calendar, you can print it out and hang it up at your workspace so your reminders are right in front of you. You’ll never miss an important task again.

Recommended Website Maintenance Tasks

Our calendar will keep you informed about conferences, holidays, and other events and occasions, but you can use it to keep track of your regular website maintenance tasks as well.

Here are some important tasks you can keep track of with our calendar. The suggested frequency of each task is just a guideline; every website is different.


  • Write a blog post
  • Check and update social media
  • Moderate and respond to blog post comments
  • Respond to emails


  • Backup your website
  • Review website analytics
  • Check for software updates for your CMS, themes, and plugins
  • Remove unused themes and plugins
  • Delete all spam comments


  • Brainstorm blog post topics
  • Plan the next month’s editorial calendar
  • Review security scans and resolve any security issues
  • Test your website’s speed
  • Check for and fix any 404 errors and broken links


  • Test your website backups
  • Update and optimize old blog posts


  • Renew your domain registration and hosting
  • Review and update your “About” page
  • Test your contact forms
  • Make sure your contact information is up to date
  • Review and update your overall website strategy and goals
  • Review your website design and plan to update if necessary

Download the 2014-2015 Webmaster Calendar

Download this calendar made just for webmasters like you, and never forget a routine webmaster task again.

Download Webmaster Calendar 2014/2015 (PDF)

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