Behind the Scenes is a relatively large tech website run by people all over the world. This kind of business structure is becoming more common all the time. So people often wonder how we manage our far-flung team. Slowly, we are creating documents to explain.


How We Manage a Remote Team With Asana

Do you have trouble managing a team of writers, or coordinating large projects over different parts of your website? These are issues that we deal with all the time at, because our team is spread out all over the world. We work on multiple large projects at a frenetic pace. As a result, we […]


Introducing Our TwitterBot, @WhoIsHosting

The TwitterBot has just launched. For those who unfamiliar with Twitter, it’s a microblogging service that lets users send 140 character messages to friends. Imagine a cross between Facebook status updates and your regular blog. Twitterbots let you perform ‘command line’-style operations in Twitter. You typically send a message, and get back a response […]

Most of the material that we’ve created for our website applies to ourselves. As we always note, is website for website owners by website owners. website owners. So if you want to know how we do business, just look at our website.

Here are some of our favorite articles and tools:

Running an online business isn’t rocket science; but it isn’t trivial either. We provide all the tools you need to get started right.