
The internet has made starting your own business easier than ever before. Instead of borrowing money or saving up forever to buy inventory or lease a brick-and-mortar store location, you can bootstrap and create your own startup with very little upfront investment.


How Game Makers Earn Millions — 99¢ at a Time

Admit it, there’s at least one game on your smartphone that you’ve played in the last week. Chances are, it’s more like ten (or more) mobile games, and you’ve already played one of them today. We love games, and mobile games are even better —you can play them anywhere! We also love a bargain. Dishing […]


No, Affiliate Marketing Is Not a Scam

When Tim Berners-Lee invented the hypertext webpage, he envisioned a world of shared information. It didn’t take long for businesses to realize that the web was a new shopping platform too. In fact, years before the web, in 1989, the first ever internet affiliate program was born when William J Tobin enlisted people to refer customers […]


Negative Reviews: a Business’ Best Friend?

Word of mouth has always been a crucial marketing tool for businesses. Before the birth of advertising, it may have been the only way people would hear of your business. You might think that word of mouth would be less important in the internet age since it’s easier to reach people using the web. But […]


Click Fraud: Are Bots Eating Your Ad Budget?

Your computer has been hacked! But what does that mean, exactly? Hackers might be trying to learn your email or bank account passwords, steal your identity, or… …click online ads?! That’s right — some malware is made just for the purpose of surreptitiously clicking online ads. So, why would hackers go to the trouble of […]


Gamification: How to Win at Work

Everyone wants work to be fun. Even your boss or client or customer would rather that you enjoy your work. No one wants to be around unhappy people, regardless of how productive they are. But what if you could change your business so that workers got more done because they were having fun? Enter the […]


How to Work Fewer Hours & Earn More Money

Do you know people who claim to work 80 hours a week? They’re almost certainly lying — or exaggerating — or just deluded. Back in 2011, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) produced a report called, The Overestimated Workweek Revisited (pdf). It found that people tend to overstate how many hours they actually work by […]


Snowden’s Global Impact

Until very recently, the ability of any one person to compile information about others was fairly limited. That’s no longer the case. There’s been global embrace of internet technology on an unprecedented scale. Communication, financial transactions, pictures, social media, even whole businesses have all moved online. But where does that information go? Where is your […]

Inside the Top Startup Factories

Inside the Top Startup Factories

Some people dream of starting a successful startup so they can strike it rich, sell the company, and retire on a beach sipping mojitos. Others entrepreneurs nurture their one big idea and dream of creating a stable company that they guide through its growth for many years to come. But the serial entrepreneur is a […]

Get Facebook to Buy Your Startup

How to Get Facebook to Buy Your Startup

How do you measure your startup success? There are as many different reasons for founding startups as there are tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Some entrepreneurs start companies in order to follow their passion. They just want to be able to make a living doing what they love, or simply desire the freedom of being their […]


Guide to Online Advertising for Small Businesses

“If you build it, they will come” may have worked in the movie Field of Dreams, but if that’s your advertising motto your business won’t last long. Whether your small business is online or offline, you need to communicate your existence to your target audience if you want to sell anything. “Word of mouth is […]


Startup Pivots That Changed the World

Today, the smartphone in your pocket is more powerful than the computers NASA used to put astronauts on the moon. Modern technology is developing at an exponential rate — so fast that some predict that humans won’t even be able to keep up with some kind of artificial intelligence to help us. With the kind […]


Why Facebook Spent 22 Billion+ on 14 Companies

It’s hard to believe Facebook’s been around for over a decade. Sure, ten years isn’t all that long, but in the short history of the Internet a decade is quite a long time. Not many social media networks can boast that kind of longevity. Back in 2004 when Facebook was launched, AOL, Hotmail, MapQuest, and […]


Startup Salaries: Why Less Is More

Think you could strike it rich by starting your own company? You’re not the only one. It’s no surprise many entrepreneurs dream of becoming millionaires. After all, the startups we always hear about are the wildly successful ones. Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the top 20 richest people in the world after starting Facebook […]


Where in the World Are Top Tech Billionaires From?

Picture a successful billionaire tech entrepreneur. What kind of person do you imagine? Maybe you’re imagining someone who looks like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. A middle-aged man, probably brilliant, creative, and driven. In most cases, you’d be spot-on. Successful entrepreneurs do seem to share a lot of the same key traits that led them […]


Big Tech IPOs: Are We in Another Bubble?,, Kozmo, Geocities… If observed the explosive growth of the Internet in the 1990s, those names may dredge up nostalgic memories of dial-up modems, dancing “under construction” gifs, and the sudden proliferance of dot-com startups. The rise of the World Wide Web opened up a whole new world of opportunity, and entrepreneurs lost no […]

Starting and Running an Online Business

Whether you’re looking for ideas and inspiration to start your own business, need to research the technical details before you launch your startup, or want to learn how to grow your business or even sell your startup for millions, we’ve got the resources to help.

On this page, we’ve created a roundup of our very best business resources:

You can find all the resources you need to start your own business right from this page. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you. Use our resources to launch your own online business today!

Tips and Tools to Run Your Business

Web Hosting for Businesses

Payment Processing


Other Online Businesses You Can Start


Starting an online business isn’t easy. Just the same, it is probably the simplest way to start a business. Using the tools here should make your path forward much easier.