Coding: Programming and Scripting

Coding is fun! If you’ve never fired up a text editor and felt the rush of seeing something you created out of thin air come to life on the screen in front of you, you’re really missing out.

Fun Ways Kids Can Learn to Code

Fun Ways Kids Can Learn to Code

Most agree that all children need to be able to read, write, and do arithmetic. But should coding be added to the core curriculum? Maybe. It’s a great way to: Teach problem-solving skills Build digital confidence Understand the digital world that we live in Think like a computer ‘thinks’, to make advanced coding easier We’re constantly […]

What Code Should You Learn?

Today, computers are an inescapable part of our work and personal lives. As technology develops, computers are increasingly more integral to our lives, and the more we understand them and how they work, the better we’re able to use them. Learning to code is not only necessary if you’re looking to start a lucrative career […]

2014 Web Design Trends

In the early days of the World Wide Web, it was trendy for webmasters to use every possible effect: animated gifs, blinking text, and auto-playing midis vied for attention on every site you surfed. While the wild frontier days of the Internet were exciting and revolutionary, trends like red text on patterned backgrounds weren’t exactly easy on the […]

Raspberry Pi - How to Get Started

Raspberry Pi: How to Get Started

Computers have come a long way since the mid-20th century, when they took up entire rooms and only programming geniuses could use them. In just the past few decades, computers have evolved so that we can carry them around with us as laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones. And today, even smaller computers are available, like the […]

The APIs that Secretly Rule your Life

The APIs That Secretly Rule Your Life

Modern life is, for many, an online one. And every click, every tweet, every Facebook like or product review, becomes part of a larger data pool (along with our emails, online purchases, GPS information and more) just waiting to be skimmed and sorted by a utility known as the application program interface (API). The ubiquity […]

Responsive Web Design Simplified

Keeping it Simple with Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web design—the creation of Web content that works across platforms and formats, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs—has become something of a buzzword on the Internet lately, and with good reason: the mobile Web’s becoming an indispensable commodity. Ninety-one percent of all Americans (as of 2013) own a cell phone; 55% own a smartphone; and […]

Coding Resources

Coding is powerful. Whether your goal is to earn a living, create a product that changes the world, or just share your perspective on your very own blog, coding makes it possible. Learn how to code and you’ll have the ability to take any idea and turn it into reality.

Coding is for everyone. Kids can learn a skill that can propel them towards a bright future and simultaneously develop problem solving skills that will serve them well in any future endeavor. Coding is a great subject for students because there are more coding jobs available than coders ready to fill them. Even established, working professionals can benefit from learning to code by developing an in-demand skill with immediate value that can be leveraged to jump from a career stuck in the mud to a shooting star.

There are lots of good reasons to be interested in coding. Whatever your reason for being interested, coding is a topic we love to talk about around her at

We blog about coding and we also spend a lot of time putting together technical resources for webmasters, developers, and coding students. If you’re looking for information about programming languages and detailed resource guides for learning to code, then you’re in luck. We’ve got everything you need to select the right programming language and get down to the business of coding.

Building Websites

The majority of modern websites are built with a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. However, that doesn’t mean you can build a professional website without knowing any code.

Think of a CMS as the exterior frame of a house. It defines the overall shape and style, but no one would consider it the whole house. It would fall down, for one thing. You need interior walls, surface finishes, cabinets, and appliances — which would correspond to themes, plugins, and extensions. Even then, a house isn’t a home until you’ve moved in and decorated. To truly make a website your own, you’re going to need to put the finishing touches on with code.

When it comes to building websites, there are a lot of different programming languages and applications to look into:

Cutting Edge Tools

While HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP may be the most common tools used to build websites, many cutting edge applications are built with very different toolsets. Here are some of the tools being used by cutting-edge industry-leaders:

Resources, Resources, and More Resources

We can’t possibly list all of the resources available on this site. So if you don’t see a link on this page to a resource you were hoping to find take a look at our massive Programming: Languages, Timeline, and Guides. There you’ll find more than 150 detailed resource guides that will help you learn almost any programming language you can imagine.

Coding is here to stay. It’s the most in-demand skill of the 21st century, and with a little perseverance you too can call yourself a coder.