

Who Killed Internet Explorer?

In the beginning, Netscape Navigator ruled the web. If you were around for the beginning of the World Wide Web, you probably remember exploring early websites with that iconic old browser. Once the undisputed champion of surfing the web, Netscape Navigator grew in popularity when Netscape Communications began offering the software to download for free in the […]


How To Beat Facebook Addiction

It doesn’t matter when or where. You could be sitting in a meeting at work, or listening to a lecture at school. You could be at the movies with friends, or at the dinner table with family. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing (as long as you’re not driving). Your fingers are twitching. You find […]


Major Hacks & Cyber Attacks: Are We Prepared?

The words “terrorist attack” usually bring to mind physical violence: events like bombings, kidnappings, hijackings and hosting-taking. The more violent they are, the more they stay in our memories; the deadliest attacks have also been the most widely-known. And the number of terrorist attacks like these has been rising around the world. But although terrorist […]


Which is the Most Secure Browser?

Think you know which web browser will keep you and your data safe online? The real answer may surprise you. It turns out that ranking web browser security isn’t all that cut and dried. There are a lot of factors that go into safe browsing online, and when you take them all into account, perhaps […]


How the Internet Was Born: ARPANET and Beyond

What’s the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? Tech-savvy people know there’s a difference, but may be hard-pressed to explain exactly what it is. But most would probably tell you that the Internet came before the Web — and they’d be right. It all started with ARPANET in the 1960s… While computers […]


How the Internet Makes the World Richer

In the Internet era, we all love the convenience of shopping online. Most anything you could imagine is available at the click of a mouse, without ever having to leave your home. And as the number of people using the Internet around the world has increased almost 10 times faster than the world’s population growth, […]


The World’s 6 Most Extreme Wi-Fi Hotspots

In the 21st century, we’re used to having Internet access everywhere we go. Whether you’re driving down the road following directions on your smartphone, answering emails at a cafe, or googling trivia answers in a bar, there’s no longer a need to be chained to your desk in order to go online. Today there are literally […]


Copyright, the Internet and Why It Matters to You

Copyright law used to be fairly simple, when it all began — it only lasted for two years. The first copyright law was created in the 18th century: the British Statute of Anne 1710. Passed to protect the rights of authors, the statute required them to renew their copyright every two years. If you didn’t […]

What Happens in a Twitter Minute?

What Happens in a Twitter Minute?

It’s hard to believe Twitter’s been around almost a decade now. Since it was first launched in 2006, it’s come a long way. But one thing that hasn’t changed is all the skeptics. When it first came out, many people just didn’t understand the appeal of “microblogging.” What exactly is the point? It’s not like […]


How Wearable Technology Will Change the Internet

Does today’s technology ever make you feel like you’re living in the future? It’s true that the Internet has revolutionized the way we do a lot of things. From the comfort of your own home, you can buy groceries, manage your money without ever setting foot inside a bank, and talk to family and friends […]


The Rise and Fall of Instant Messengers

Remember ICQ, AIM, and “A/S/L”? If you experienced the rise of instant messaging in the 1990s, those acronyms can be very nostalgia-inducing. But IMing with friends and strangers online wasn’t only fun and exciting, but revolutionary: though we take instant communication for granted today, the advent of instant messaging changed the way people communicate forever. Before the […]

Newbie's Guide to Emojis

A Newbie’s Guide to Emojis

Have you ever sent a clear, straightforward email — only for it to be horribly misinterpreted? Maybe the recipient just didn’t catch your sarcasm, or thought you sounded snippy when you were actually in a pretty good mood. That kind of miscommunication happens all the time, and for good reason. Emails and texts make it […]


Can You Trust the Internet?

How much do you trust the Internet? If you’re like the majority of Internet users, you’re trusting the Internet with your life. Think about it: So many tasks are much more convenient thanks to the Internet. You can now manage your bank accounts without ever setting foot in a local branch, pay your utility bills […]

How to Write Better Emails

How to Write Better Emails

Ever feel like you spend half your day answering emails? That feeling might be closer to the truth than you think: The average worker spends 13 hours per week reading, managing, and responding to emails. That means you could be spending almost a third of the entire work week on email! Try tracking the amount of time you […]


How to Remove Your Embarrasing Photos from Social Media

We all know the Internet is forever. That’s why you’re careful about what you tweet, picky about the photos you share on Instagram, and vigilant about your Facebook privacy settings. You’ve made absolutely sure you won’t be embarrassed by what shows up when your name is googled… Until someone else posts an embarrassing photo of you. […]