

4 Ways the Internet is Making Kids Smarter

Despite fueling an age of technological marvels, the Internet is often derided as being as harmful to humanity as it is helpful. But even if a steady diet of cat videos and Facebook posts isn’t a recipe for mental acuity, the Internet really is making the children of today smarter (as compared to their predecessors) […]

A Look Inside U.S. Data Centers

A Look Inside U.S. Data Centers

From Netflix to YouTube, and from Facebook to Twitter, people around the world enjoy content on the World Wide Web using sites that got their start—and make their electronic homes—in the United States. But few, if any, folks give serious consideration to the bustling, humming nerve centers that host this array of sites and content. […]

Internet Censorship World Map

Internet Censorship Around the Globe

Depending on where you live, free and open access to the information and entertainment found on the Internet might seem like more of a right than a privilege. But for folks who live in some of the world’s more restrictive societies, some or even most of the Internet remains tantalizingly out of reach, blocked by […]

Email Delivarability 101

Email Deliverability 101

It may be a bit long in the tooth by the standards of today’s fast-moving Web, but email keeps its relevancy due to the fact that it is not only pervasive (the more than 2.9 billion email accounts around the world offer three times the exposure of Facebook and Twitter accounts combined), but offers a […]


Six Organizations That Secretly Run The Internet

When it comes to the Internet, conspiracy theories abound. Some are decidedly tongue-in-cheek (such as Google’s impending creation of a SkyNet-style robot dictatorship), while others, such as the enduring and omnipresent threat of Illuminati control, are taken very seriously (at least by those who believe in them). Of course, it’s not just the threat a […]

Retro Battlestations

Retro Battlestations: PC Gaming Rigs of Yesteryear

Ever since a playful physicist by the name of Willy Higinbotham invented the video game way back in 1958, humans have been captivated by PC gaming. When personal home computers achieved widespread popularity in the early 1980s, the computer began its swift evolution from a caluclating workhorse to a commodity valued as much for fun […]

Snooping 101

Snooping 101

Despite advances in technology, modern life is often as full of mystery as it was for our offline ancestors. Whatever happened to that old college buddy? Is that cute guy or gal flirting with you on Facebook really who they say they are? Why would a Nigerian prince need your help to move a small […]


Everything You Need to Know on Tor & the Deep Web

The Internet has, in its storied history, been compared to many things: a river; a superhighway; and, perhaps most famously, a series of tubes. But as it turns out, the most apt comparison of all just might be an iceberg. Like the mighty floes that break off from glaciers, only 10% of the network we […]

The World's Most Unusual Data Centers

The World’s Most Unusual Data Centers

Whether you’re on a PC, tablet, or smartphone, chances are you rely on a series of data centers to access the websites, email, and applications you use every day. Most people spend more time researching their hosting provider than they do thinking about the tech that drives it, so it’s easy to take these hubs […]

What’s Using All the Bandwidth?

What’s Using All the Bandwidth?

From the living room to the board room, bandwidth has become a major concern for just about everyone online. With more than 2.4 billion people using the Internet for everything from basic surfing and email to online classes to gaming, bandwidth is a critical resource for modern business, learning and entertainment. At its most basic, […]

Where is the Internet?

Where is the Internet?

Billions of people around the world use the Internet every day, but it’s likely few outside of the IT industry could give a definitive answer to the question, “Where is the Internet?” It’s a query that many may never even enter the consideration of most Internet users, beyond researching a hosting provider or vague notions […]

The Incredible Growth of Web Usage (1984-2013)

The Incredible Growth of Web Usage [1984-2013]

In the three decades since the Internet evolved from an experimental band of academic and government computers into a globe-spanning network of interconnected systems, the amount of time spent online has grown to rival (or even exceed) the time spent living offline. We rely on the Internet to host our websites, provide entertainment, and even […]

The Life of Ken Brill: A Tribute to the Father of the Data Center

The Life of Ken Brill

With the tragic loss of Mr. Brill to cancer, both the IT industry and the global tech community have lost a true innovator and champion. Mr. Brill was responsible for the creation of data center standardization, and was rightly known around the globe as “The Father of Data Centers.” After starting his career in power […]

The Internet: Then and Now [Infographic & Video]

The Internet: Then and Now [Infographic & Video]

Surfing the Internet, creating and finding hosting for a Web site, and sharing with social media are all things we take for granted today—but none of them would be possible without the efforts of the innovators who established what we now know as the modern Web. In October of 1969, four leading U.S. universities—University of […]

How Safe is Cloud Computing?

How Safe is Cloud Computing?

The cloud is everywhere these days. Thanks to its convenience and cost, cloud computing has enjoyed exponential growth in the market over the last few years. For most, it’s not a question of whether you move to the cloud, but what can and should be moved—and when it should be done. However, security concerns have […]