

Everything You Need to Know about Mobile Ads

Traditionally, advertising has been involved spending a lot of money in order to see significant results. But as our civilization moves more of its entertainment, business, and education into the virtual realm, old-school methods like print or even broadcast and cable television advertising are being supplanted by a new medium that’s far more flexible, and […]


How Non-Sexy Businesses Rock on Social Media

The adage “sex sells” might be the oldest, dustiest piece of marketing advice still in existence, but it remains true. Sex is used to sell everything, it seems—from decidedly sexy products like lingerie to ostensibly non-sexy products like Web hosting. But even in an age of hypersexualized advertising, companies whose products and services are less […]

Facebook Dislike

These Three Mistakes are Costing You Facebook Followers

Your Facebook fans and followers can “Unlike” you in just one click. When you’re competing with a news feed full of friends, family, and beloved causes, you need to make the space you take up count, and help, rather than hinder, your reputation on the social media platform. Facebook can seem like an environment of […]

One Simple Trick Will Transform The Way You Tweet

The microblog Twitter is nothing if not fast-paced. While this characteristic makes it appealing as a source of up-to-the-minute news and popular topics, it also overwhelms some users. Finding your niche as a tweeter and follower can be challenging, and even seem impossible amidst the constant chatter of this social media platform. If you’re exhausting […]

Ace in the Hole

Five Outrageous PR Stunts That Paid Off

Businesses and organizations began practicing formal Public Relations (PR) about one hundred years ago. Since then, the definitions and tactics of PR have changed, but the essence remains the same: Make a big impression, distribute it to a big crowd, get a big response. While 20th century marketers seemed to view PR as a one-way […]

Double your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes Per Day

Double Your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

Whether you use it for business, pleasure, or both, Twitter is likely a large part of your social media life. With nearly 650,000,000 users, sending more than half a billion tweets every single day, the Internet’s water cooler is also overflowing with opportunities to attract hordes of new followers ripe for conversion into new customers […]

Double your LinkedIn Connections in Just 5 Minutes Per Day

Double Your LinkedIn Connections in Just Five Minutes a Day

Facebook and Twitter might get the lion’s share of the press compared to other forms of social media, but when it comes to professional networking, LinkedIn is the uncontested champion. The site’s more than 300 million members tend to leave the funny cat videos and goofy eCards to other, more informal sites, preferring to focus […]

Double your Instagram Followers in Just 5 Minutes Per Day

Double Your Instagram Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

Instagram may have a reputation as the app of choice for hipsters snapping photos of their every meal, but the popular photo app is growing in both audience and influence. If you’re interested in connecting with more than 150 million consumers (many in the enviable under-35 demographic), you may want to consider making Instagram a […]

Double your Pinterest Followers in Just 5 Minutes Per Day

Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

As a business owner, you may be asking yourself whether you need to worry about adding Pinterest to your social media strategy. The answer depends on whether you’re interested in tapping into a global network of more than 70 million consumers (up from 25,000,000 in 2012) who not only create and share on the site, […]

Why Your Content Isn't Going Viral

Five Reasons Your Awesome Content Isn’t Going Viral

Prior to the rise of modern Internet culture, hearing that something (or someone) was “going viral” was generally a cause for alarm. Today, however, there are few things that create more joy in the heart of a content creator than to discover that their work—whether it’s a painfully funny video, a blog post, or even […]

Fake it to Make It

Should You Buy Your Way to Social Media Fame? [Video]

It used to be that folks looking to improve their social network relied on works such as Dale Carnegie’s immortal tome How to Win Friends and Influence People. In the 21st century, however, good old-fashioned glad-handing is running a distant second compared to the Internet. For those searching for a shortcut to fame and fortune, […]

Double your Facebook Likes in just 5 Minutes Per Day

Double Your Facebook Likes in Just Five Minutes a Day

Despite recent concerns over a decrease in organic reach for its business users, Facebook remains a powerful and relevant part of effective online marketing and social interaction for many companies. With more than 1.3 billion active users (680 million of whom access the site from mobile devices) the social media giant is a potential goldmine […]

Fake it to Make It

Fake It to Make It

It’s often been said that life is not a popularity contest, but when it comes to the sometimes wild ‘n’ wacky world of social media, it can sure seem like one. As more and more of us move more and more of our lives online, our reputations on Twitter and Facebook have become just as […]

Boost Your Brand With One WordPress Plugin

Boost Your Brand With One WordPress Plugin

Create a brand. Check. Find and set up the best hosting plan for your site. Check. Install WordPress. Check. Create a blog and put a post up. Check. Let the blog sit abandoned while you continue to run your business and watch your site traffic dwindle. Um, yeah, it’s time to do something about that. […]

Zero to 10K Visits Per Month

Get Traffic: Zero to 10K Website Visits a Month

Your website is one of the most important investments you can make in your business. A well-designed site that speaks to your target audience, provides rich and useful content, and is built (and designed to grow) using SEO best practices can provide an astoundingly firm foundation for your online success. Before you worry about total […]