Marketing and Publicity Online

It doesn’t matter if you create the absolute best blog or online business in the world. If no one knows about it, it’s doomed to fail.

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of running a website, yet with all the competition out there it’s more difficult than ever.

Branding Your Blog to the Big Time

If you have a blog, you most likely want to reach as wide an audience as you can. But as much as people may say that content is king, there is a lot more to growing an audience than creating great content. One critical element is branding. To a lot of people, branding is kind […]

No, Affiliate Marketing Is Not a Scam

When Tim Berners-Lee invented the hypertext webpage, he envisioned a world of shared information. It didn’t take long for businesses to realize that the web was a new shopping platform too. In fact, years before the web, in 1989, the first ever internet affiliate program was born when William J Tobin enlisted people to refer customers […]

Build an Age Appropriate Kid-Friendly Website

How old were you when you first went online? Adults today may remember growing up with the development of the internet and learning to use it as a teenager or adult, but today’s children are growing up using the internet from a much earlier age than you might expect. A suvery by parenting site […]

Click Fraud: Are Bots Eating Your Ad Budget?

Your computer has been hacked! But what does that mean, exactly? Hackers might be trying to learn your email or bank account passwords, steal your identity, or… …click online ads?! That’s right — some malware is made just for the purpose of surreptitiously clicking online ads. So, why would hackers go to the trouble of […]

Beginner’s Guide to YouTube Advertising

Before online advertising, it was tough to get your brand in the spotlight without a huge marketing budget. Even today, you’ve got to have plenty of money for TV advertising. Just the ad production alone can cost thousands of dollars — and that’s not even getting into ad placement, which can range anywhere from a […]

Guide to Online Advertising for Small Businesses

“If you build it, they will come” may have worked in the movie Field of Dreams, but if that’s your advertising motto your business won’t last long. Whether your small business is online or offline, you need to communicate your existence to your target audience if you want to sell anything. “Word of mouth is […]

Double Your SlideShare Views in Just 5 Minutes a Day

If you’ve worked in a typical office before, the words “PowerPoint presentation” just might prompt an involuntary shudder. Most of us have memories of sitting through those boring presentations at the office, watching endless bullet points on familiar templates, reading business strategies in Comic Sans, and cringing at the liberal use of cliche clip art. […]

Secrets to a Killer Viral Video

Want your video to be seen by the world? You’re not the only one. “Virality” is the new marketing buzz phrase, and it seems the number one goal of every internet marketer and teen with a webcam. Professional marketers and amateurs alike know that videos are the perfect medium for viral sharing: Research shows that we […]

The Rise and Fall of the Upworthy Viral Content Machine

Before the days of the Internet, “virality” wasn’t such a good thing. But now, it seems everyone is clamoring for their content to go viral online… And lately, some websites have found that Facebook’s pushback against their viral business models is proving deadly. With the rise of social media’s popularity, we’ve also seen a rise in […]

Yes, You Can Be Internet Famous

Deep down, most of us long to be famous. While most of us live our lives in anonymity, as a celebrity you can have an impact on the world, leave a meaningful legacy behind, and have your name remembered for ages. Sometimes, though, fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. While PR professionals might claim there’s “no […]

How Adblock Could Destroy the Web As We Know It

Could Ad-blocking Destroy the Web?

Some Internet users don’t like advertising. Enter the concept of ad blocking or ad filtering. Ads can come in all shapes and sizes: text, video, animations, pictures, audio and pop-up windows. This dilemma has led some developers to create popular ad blocking extensions like Adblock Plus and AdBlock (the two efforts are not related). In […]

Killing it With Cartoons

Using Cartoons to Kill Your Readers…With Humor

Those who want to write off cartoons as just another childish pastime haven’t heard of them as being an important part of a well-functioning web-content strategy. Whether you call them cartoons or comics, the use of illustrations to explain boring or complicated subject matter has seen proven results. Using cartoons sort of lightens the mood […]

Everything you Need to Know about Real Time Bidding

Real-Time Bidding: Everything You Need To Know

Real-time bidding or RTB is how ad inventory gets bought and sold, based on impressions. The whole operation can be likened to how financial markets work because RTB takes place on ad exchange platforms. This dynamic bidding process lets advertisers bid on the impressions; if the bid’s won, the buyer’s ad will be shown immediately […]

How to Build an Affiliate Website that Doesn't Suck

7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Websites

Affiliate marketing isn’t a new concept, but the rise of e-commerce since the ’90s has enabled it to grow into a huge industry worth billions in sales every year, with opportunities available in any niche or product you can imagine. Though there’s no lack of affiliate marketing “gurus” proclaiming how easy is it to make […]

Marketing with Memes

If you’ve ever shared an image of the perpetually unlucky Bad Luck Brian or used Rick Astley’s immortal hit to trick a friend or loved one, you’ve employed a meme. While the word “meme” itself comes to us from Ancient Greek, the scientist Richard Dawkins gave the word its modern definition back in 1976, when […]

Need to up your marketing game?

Whether you need to learn the basics of marketing for your new blog or online business, or you’re looking to level up your existing marketing skills, we’ve got the resources to help you out.

At, we’ve been creating and collecting articles, videos, roundups, and other resources about every aspect of online marketing you can think of. This is the place to be if you’re looking to learn more about:

Learn how to get started in marketing, what pitfalls to watch out for, and how to get your brand to stand out in the crowd with the resources below.

Marketing Resources

We have a whole lot more than blog posts. Check out these other great resources.

Getting Started

The Complete Guide to Internet Terminology: learn about basic marketing-related terms like hashtags, keywords, and meta tags.

General Marketing Tools

Sales and Marketing : Compare Hosting: many web hosting companies include built-in tools or extras to help you get the word out about your website. These range from free advertising credits for Google Adwords, to email list tools, to SEO resources, and more. Why pay extra when your host will provide them? Check out our compare page to see which hosts have a special focus on marketing.

CRM : Compare Hosting: having the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can provide a huge boost to your marketing and sales productivity. CRMs enable you to track prospects and leads through their whole journey with you. Some web hosting companies provide access to CRM software, all included with your regular hosting fees. Compare them here.

The Ultimate List of Webmaster Tools A-Z: find great tools for keyword research, email marketing, conversion optimization, and more in this resource roundup.


Compare 450 WordPress Hosts: a WordPress blog can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool! Compare the most popular WordPress web hosting companies right here.

Secrets of a Killer Blog Post: learn the basics of how to create a popular and effective blog post in this quick tutorial video.

Creating Viral Content: every marketer dreams of their content going viral. Though it often happens unexpectedly, there are ways to optimize your content to make it more likely. Watch this video tutorial to find out how.

Social Media Marketing

Buying Social Media Fame: you’ve heard the adage “fake it till you make it.” But does that really work when it comes to social media fame? Learn the pros and cons of buying followers in this tutorial video.

Get More Likes On Your Facebook Fan Page: struggling to get traction with your Facebook page? Watch this video on getting more page likes to grow your audience.

Building Your Brand on Twitter: check out this video tutorial to find out how to grow your business and increase awareness of what you do on Twitter.


Compare SEO Hosting: SEO is an important strategy that shouldn’t be neglected on any website. Many of your customers or readers are going to try to find you by searching, so you should make sure your site can be easily found. The speed and stability of your web hosting is a big factor in search engine rankings, and if you choose the right web hosting company, they’ll often have other tools and resources for SEO that will help as well. Check out this comparison of the best hosts for SEO.

Understand, Diagnose, and Fix Google Rankings: if you’ve noticed a drop in your search engine rankings, this article will help you diagnose and solve the problem.

The Ultimate Guide to the Robots Meta Tag for Developers: your content’s meta tags can have an impact on search engine rankings, directly and indirectly. Check out this guide to find out how to optimize them.

Email Marketing

Compare Email Marketing Hosting: email is the best way to stay connected with your audience and deepen those relationships. You can create your own mailing list with built-in tools from your web host! Compare the most popular web hosts with email marketing tools.

Email Spam By the Numbers: before getting into email marketing, it’s important to learn about spam and how to avoid sending it. Check out this video tutorial for the facts on spam.

There are a lot of elements to website marketing. Our blog posts, videos, and articles should take you a long way.