The internet lets most of us share information openly. Using a simple blog, or a social media website, anyone can speak to a massive audience, instantly. The internet is responsible for spreading revolutionary thoughts and ideas across geographic and cultural boundaries in many parts of the world. But not all netizens benefit from this cross-border freedom of information; some countries actively censor the web to prevent it, placing filters and firewalls in the way.
There is continual tension between internet freedom fighters and those who attempt to censor the internet. Technology often evolves more quickly than government policy, meaning that blocks can sometimes be circumvented illegally. However, there are some countries — such as North Korea — where internet access is so limited, millions of citizens may not know it exists at all.
Not all forms of security are bad, though. All of us need to be smart about our approach to online privacy; filters and firewalls can be useful in helping us to achieve that. Sharing the intimate details of your life in public can be a recipe for disaster, particularly if your job involves working with young or vulnerable people. What’s more, we all want to ensure that sensitive data is not available to the wider world.
Censorship and privacy are complex, but they are concepts that every netizen has to get to grips with. We’ve collected some resources for web hosting customers, individuals, and businesses on how to navigate the complicated world of online security.
There are a lot of different aspects of censorship and security online.
Distributing Censored Material
Depending on the laws of your own country, you may be prevented from publishing certain types of content on the internet. However, something that is illegal in one territory may be legal somewhere else. The internet allows us to bend geographical boundaries to get around some of these restrictions.
- Find an Fffshore Web Host: if you want to host material that’s prohibited in your own country, offshore hosting could be the answer. It allows you to place content online under the protection of another country’s legal system, therefore bypassing the laws of the country you live in.
- Compare File Hosting Providers: choose a file hosting provider to store backups or other content. You can utilize file hosting for distribution of information, or for your own personal use.
- What Bloggers Should Know About Section 230: Section 230 is an important part of the US legal system. It protects bloggers against legal claims that can arise when you republish controversial content created by someone else.
- Accepted Forms of Payment for Web Hosting Companies: if you host offshore, or you want to protect your own privacy, you may want to use an anonymous payment method. Some hosts accept payment via bitcoin, which allows you to send money anonymously to pay for your hosting. Find a list of different payment methods here, and compare providers quickly.
- Investigating a Work’s Copyright Status: use this resource to check the copyright status for the content you want to republish on your website.
Protecting Your Own Privacy Online
Social media is leading to a world where over-sharing is normal. But it’s not always the best thing to do. To protect your identity, your home, and your kids, you need to know how privacy controls work, and ensure your data is protected.
Protecting Privacy in Business
If you run a business, you have a responsibility to secure data against online threats. In some countries, there may be large penalties for failing to respect data privacy. In fact, distributing certain types of information may be a criminal offence. These resources will equip you with the services and knowledge you need to protect customers’ data.
- Shared SSL Hosting: choose a hosting plan with a shared SSL certificate. Shared SSL is useful for staging and testing, before you purchase a private SSL certificate.
- Private SSL Hosting: compare hosts that offer private SSL, and find a suitable provider for your website.
- Privacy Policy Generator: quickly generate a website privacy policy that will keep your legally compliant.
- Cryptography Resources: learn how ancient cryptography has been modernized and reinvented for the digital age. Find out how algorithms such as AES256 are vital to keeping customer data safe.
- Firewall Hosting Comparison: find the perfect provider to host and manage your business software or hardware firewall.
- Compare TRUSTe hosting: TRUSTe includes a privacy audit and Privacy Findings Report, helping you to reassure your customers that you take their privacy seriously. Find a web host that supports TRUSTe certification here.
Computer security is a two-way street. On one side there are governments and other entities that want to stop the free flow of information that people need. On the other are individuals, governments, and businesses that have a real interest in keeping some information private. The resources here will teach you a lot about both kinds of security issues.