Getting Started With Privacy
In the wrong hands, your personal information can be used for more than just serving you with ads tailored to your interests. It can be used to steal your identity, completely empty your bank account, kidnap or harm your loved ones, and more. The following resource will provide you with a general introduction to online privacy.
The World Wide Web and internet Privacy: an introductory overview of personal data that should be protected with simple rules to follow to secure your information.
Browsing The Internet
The internet is no longer a place reserved for simple information exchange. It’s a way of staying in touch with your family and friends, planning your next vacation, and shopping for various items. However, it can also be used to access sensitive information and sell your personal data to a third party. The following resources will show you the risks and educate you on the importance of keeping your children safe.
Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety: smartphones allow you to know where your children are at any given time but the apps that your children use on a daily basis can put them in danger online. This guide covers everything you need to know about keeping your children safe on the internet.
How to Spot a Fake Website: phishing is a serious issue, which extends well beyond your email. Phishing scripts can also be deployed on the web. This guide covers both simple and more advanced methods of spotting fake websites and explains what you can do to protect yourself.
Staying Safe With Social Media and Private Messages
While hate crimes and bullying was once reserved for places like work or school, in today’s digital age, social media and private messaging apps are the perfect opportunity for evil-doers to cause great harm. It’s easier than ever to become a victim of a hate crime on social media and private messaging where the offenders hope to remain hidden.
Under the Magnifying Glass: A Dissection of Hate Crime: a hate crime is when a person is attacked for being associated with a certain social, ethnic, or religious organization, or for their sexual orientation, nationality, physical appearance, handicap, or gender identity. Learn what you can do to protect yourself.
Protect Your Email
Your email is the most important asset of your digital presence. If your email is compromised, the hackers can use it to reset passwords and gain access to all your other online accounts. It’s essential to understand just how vulnerable your email is and what you can do to protect it.
Email Spam by the Numbers: a must-watch video to truly understand the importance of keeping your email inbox secure.
Sender ID Introduction and Resources: this guide outlines how to use Sender ID to protect yourself from email spam and common scams.
Use Strong Passwords
Passwords were invented way back in the 1960s as a means of regulating online access to shared files. Unfortunately, most users don’t follow the best practices when it comes to creating passwords, and to make matters worse, they often use the same password over and over again. While the system hasn’t changed much in the past 50 years, there is hope for new technology to take over and you could be logging into your bank account with your fingerprint, or accessing your email with a retinal scan.
Beyond Strong Passwords: online passwords are like keys to your digital home. And in the wrong hands, they can be used to steal your money or open up new lines of credit, use your identity with malicious intent, or sell your personal information to the highest bidder. Learn how to keep them safe and what the future holds for identifying yourself and accessing sensitive information.
Avoid Online Scams and Protect Your Data
Desperate princes in Nigeria who need your help to transfer funds from their deceased fathers, fake lottery winnings, and acquaintances stranded in a foreign countries are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online scams. The following articles offer information on recognizing online scams, preventing digital extortion, and using cryptography to protect your data.
Online Scams and Fraud: How Internet Users Can Minimize Exposure: learn to recognize the most common online scams and ways to protect yourself.
The Growing Threat of Digital Extortion — And How to Avoid It: digital extortion is a real threat where your data is held ransom until you pay a hefty sum. Avoid the risk with the tips in this article.
Cryptography Resources: cryptography is the science of concealing the meaning of data so only specified parties understand a transmission’s contents. This guide offers a complete list of resources with detailed information on cryptography and how you can use it to conceal sensitive information.
Revealing too much of your personal information online could have more serious consequences than being served targeted ads. Depending on what all you share online, anyone with a malicious intent can gain access not only to your information but to those closest to you. The resources above will set you on the right path to protect your information and stay safe online.