

High-Tech Parents and Their Low-Tech Kids

Year after year, we watch as media consumption rises — in our homes, our professional workspaces, and even while we’re out and about. According to Nielsen’s Total Audience Report from the first quarter of 2016, our consumption of media has increased by a whole hour since the same time period in 2015. The reason for this […]


Quantum Computers and the End of Privacy

From government to business to regular individuals, encryption is important. It’s how we maintain some level of privacy in our lives. It protects our email and our credit cards. For some, it can be a matter of life and death. And it’s a risky business. We never know if our passwords have been compromised, or […]


How Game Makers Earn Millions — 99¢ at a Time

Admit it, there’s at least one game on your smartphone that you’ve played in the last week. Chances are, it’s more like ten (or more) mobile games, and you’ve already played one of them today. We love games, and mobile games are even better —you can play them anywhere! We also love a bargain. Dishing […]


8 Ways Your Drone Could Land You in Jail

By 2020, there will be more than 7 million drones in US skies alone. Hobby flying is booming. With ever greater numbers of untrained operators has come increasing numbers of accidents, as well as some hair-raising near-misses with commercial planes. While some countries allow drone flight pretty much anywhere, many countries are quickly creating laws to limit their […]


Supercomputers Are Shaping Future of Humanity

Humanity has come a long way. Our world today is full of technology and wonders we thought were the realm of science fiction not too long ago. Our technological development is exponential. It was just a few hundred years ago that we started exploring the possibilities of electricity, and it didn’t become common in households […]


High Tech Solutions to Schoolyard Bullying

Bullying is such a hot issue lately. If you only had the news to go on, you might think it’s a recent phenomenon. But many adults just have to think back on their own childhoods to know that it is nothing new. Bullying has existed throughout known history, and it isn’t just a schoolyard phenomenon, […]


Using Firedaemon With a Game Server

There’s a software solution that can take all those messy game server client windows and hide them away while running those same servers as services instead of applications. There are a number of applications that do this — including the open source Launcher Service. Today, we are going to look at one software package in […]


How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Chatbot

Robert Epstein is an eminent psychologist and former editor in chief of Psychology Today. Back in 2006, he had a months long online affair with a woman named Evana. The only problem was: Evana turned out to be a computer program. He’s not alone. These kind of computer programs — normally called “chatbots” — ensnare […]


What Authors Need to Know About Online Publishing

Online publishing can seem like the ideal outlet to new and existing authors — an outlet that bypasses the traditional gatekeepers of conventional publishing. Traditional publishing often takes the lion’s share of the cover price, with the author receiving as little as 3%, while online services offer as much as 70% of the sale price. […]


Live Like a Millionaire With These 11 Apps

Imagine yourself as a millionaire. What’s your typical day like? Forget about doing laundry or scrubbing the bathroom; you’d have a cleaning service for that. No more driving or cooking if you don’t want to: you could hire a chauffeur to take you wherever you want to go, and your own personal chef to whip […]

Why "Jurassic Tech" is Making a Comeback

Why “Jurassic Tech” is Making a Comeback

Want to guess someone’s age? Just ask them what kind of phone they used growing up, and you can usually pinpoint the answer within a few years. Maybe you remember sharing a phone line with your family or even your neighbors, staying up late chatting on a party line. Maybe you grew up using a […]

bittorent projects

4 Smart BitTorrent Projects You Should Be Using

When most people think of using BitTorrent, pirating copyrighted files is what generally comes to mind. You may not be among the half of Internet users who engage in piracy due to concerns about hidden malware or otherwise poisoned torrents, but you may have a friend or two with an impossibly large music collection, new […]


Snowden’s Global Impact

Until very recently, the ability of any one person to compile information about others was fairly limited. That’s no longer the case. There’s been global embrace of internet technology on an unprecedented scale. Communication, financial transactions, pictures, social media, even whole businesses have all moved online. But where does that information go? Where is your […]

How Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthier

How Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthier

Is technology helping to make us healthier — or just the opposite? Looking around, you’d probably guess the latter. Worldwide, obesity rates have more than doubled since 1980, with almost 2 billions adults classified as overweight in 2014. As technology develops and automates more and more tasks, people are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Not getting enough […]

7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

True Private Messaging: 7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

Are your text messages private and secure? Or are they vulnerable to prying eyes? Given the news lately, it’s safe to assume they’re not. It’s been revealed that the National Security Agency has been collecting text messages for years — up to 200 million a day. They collect everything they can from anyone they can, […]