

Quick Guide to Safe Online Shopping

The holiday season is upon us! And that means most of us will turn to the internet to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Online shopping is convenient. It allows you to avoid crowds, get items shipped straight to your home, and in some cases, save money. Even though it’s convenient, however, online […]


The Grandparent’s Guide to the Internet

You’ve seen your kids and grandkids doing it: looking up all kinds of facts on the fly, chatting with friends online, banking and booking flights, sharing vacation photos and videos. From the sidelines, it can look tricky. Their fingers might seem to fly over the keys too fast to follow, and you have no idea […]


How to Start a Blog (in 3 Quick Steps)

Have you been putting off blogging because you’re not sure how to start? All the info and advice out there can be overwhelming, but it really doesn’t take much to just get started. In fact, you can publish your first blog post within the hour! Just follow the 3 steps below to get started. Step 1: […]


Beginner’s Guide to YouTube Advertising

Before online advertising, it was tough to get your brand in the spotlight without a huge marketing budget. Even today, you’ve got to have plenty of money for TV advertising. Just the ad production alone can cost thousands of dollars — and that’s not even getting into ad placement, which can range anywhere from a […]


Know Your File Types: When to Use JPEG, GIF, & PNG

Trying to save space on image files, but not compromise quality? It can be tough to know exactly which filetype is the best to use. If you save your image as the wrong type, you could end up blurring a beautiful photo, losing all the detail of your logo, or turning a transparent background black. On your […]

How to Write Better Emails

How to Write Better Emails

Ever feel like you spend half your day answering emails? That feeling might be closer to the truth than you think: The average worker spends 13 hours per week reading, managing, and responding to emails. That means you could be spending almost a third of the entire work week on email! Try tracking the amount of time you […]

6 Must-Have Hosting Features

6 Must-Have Hosting Features

With more hosting providers and options than ever, figuring out which hosting features are absolute must-haves can be headache-inducing, to say the least. Most hosting providers offer a fairly standardized set of features with variations in number, amount, and price, but do you know what to look for? Do you know which features you really […]

A Guide to FrontPage Server Extensions

A Guide to FrontPage Server Extensions

Even if you have only a passing familiarity with Web design, you’ve probably heard of Microsoft FrontPage®. This once-popular Web design application was first released by the Vermeer corporation in 1995, and was acquired by Microsoft the following year. The software giant added FrontPage to its Microsoft Office suite of applications, and it quickly became […]

How to Get a Free Domain Name

How to Get a Free Domain Name

The English language has some interesting, not to mention contradictory sayings. You may have heard “the best things in life are free,” although that really depends on what you consider to be the “best things.” But you may have also heard, “nothing in life comes for free,” which is a little more realistic. While it […]

Coming Soon: How a Launch Page Can Bring You Customers

Coming Soon: How a Launch Page Can Bring You Customers

Driving around your city, you’ve undoubtedly seen “Coming Soon” signs posted on empty lots, letting you know a business would soon be occupying that space. It’s a way for that business to drum up early interest and anticipation, especially if it’s something that appeals to you. If your town is lacking a good pizza joint, […]

Website Builders Compared

Website Builders Compared

After you choose a Web hosting provider and sign up, you’re ready to jump in and start building your site. If you’re in a hurry to get your site up and running, are on a tight budget or simply aren’t well-versed in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or other programming languages, you […]

Cloud-Powered Crowd: Cloudflare vs MaxCDN

Cloud-Powered Crowd: Cloudflare vs MaxCDN

The modern Internet moves at a breakneck pace; we live in an always-on, streaming-everything world that brings the World Wide Web not only to our PCs but our phones, tablets and televisions. Even as Internet connections grow faster and the content we consume becomes bigger, louder, and more richly-featured, so too do our expectations swell […]


How to Start an E-Commerce Site

Take a moment to think about this phrase: start an e-commerce site. Seems like it could be the easiest thing in the world, doesn’t it? It’s just basically building a website, putting some products on it, adding a shopping cart function, and voilà! You’re in business! It’s nothing like it used to be where you […]

Which cPanel Alternative is Right for You?

Which cPanel Alternative is Right for You?

One of the most important components of choosing a host and setting up a Web server, particularly for website hosting resellers, is the Web server control panel. These applications control the various “behind the scenes” components of your server on three levels: users, resellers and admins. For users (e.g., you, if you are purchasing hosting […]

Help! I Got a DMCA Notice! Now What?

Help! I Got a DMCA Notice! Now What?

It would be bad enough to wake up one morning and discover someone had stolen some of your online content and published it on their own site without your permission. But what if you were the one doing the stealing? Or at least, being accused of stealing? What then? If you ever receive a Digital […]