
How to Be a Google Power User

How to be a Google Power User

It’s a familiar frustration for most of us: You type your precise, specific search terms into Google, and expect to find what you need on the first page. Instead, you’re faced with millions of search results, and the first few links are so off-the-wall unrelated you wonder if you mistyped something. But your search terms are […]

Raspberry Pi - How to Get Started

Raspberry Pi: How to Get Started

Computers have come a long way since the mid-20th century, when they took up entire rooms and only programming geniuses could use them. In just the past few decades, computers have evolved so that we can carry them around with us as laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones. And today, even smaller computers are available, like the […]

How Much does a Website Cost?

How Much Does a Website Really Cost?

Planning on starting a website? It’s true that a website can be free to start, but if you expect any kind of return for your efforts—whether it’s ad revenue, affiliate sales, or retail customers—the truth is you get what you pay for. What are all the hidden costs to starting a website, and how much can […]


How to Create the Perfect Password

With more and more of us shifting everyday tasks—banking, education, social interaction, even shopping for groceries—to the virtual world, securing our personal information has become more important than ever. One of the simplest ways to help protect our financial and other info from prying eyes and would-be identity thieves is to use a strong password. […]

Snooping 101

Snooping 101

Despite advances in technology, modern life is often as full of mystery as it was for our offline ancestors. Whatever happened to that old college buddy? Is that cute guy or gal flirting with you on Facebook really who they say they are? Why would a Nigerian prince need your help to move a small […]

6 Must-Have Hosting Features

6 Must-Have Hosting Features

With more hosting providers and options than ever, figuring out which hosting features are absolute must-haves can be headache-inducing, to say the least. Most hosting providers offer a fairly standardized set of features with variations in number, amount, and price, but do you know what to look for? Do you know which features you really […]


How to Disappear Online

Social media has made everyone’s life an open book (one that’s open a bit too far in some cases). As more and more companies and individuals come to rely on the Internet as a primary source of information about others, so too does the possibility of compromising info reaching the wrong person grow. For folks […]

Four Essential Plugins for WordPress Sites

Four Essential Plugins for WordPress Sites

WordPress has made a name for itself by providing website owners with a powerful and flexible platform for crafting professional and compelling sites. With more than 73 million WordPress sites on the Internet, it’s clear this popular Content Management System (CMS) is the go-to site building tool for site owners around the world. And while […]

How to Be More Creative

How to Be More Creative

Curious and endlessly productive, humans are creative by nature. Yet, according to a 2012 study from Adobe, while the majority of adults believe creativity is beneficial to society and essential to economic improvement, only 25% believe they are living up to their creative potential. Unlocking that potential might seem like a monumental task, but in […]

A Guide to FrontPage Server Extensions

A Guide to FrontPage Server Extensions

Even if you have only a passing familiarity with Web design, you’ve probably heard of Microsoft FrontPage®. This once-popular Web design application was first released by the Vermeer corporation in 1995, and was acquired by Microsoft the following year. The software giant added FrontPage to its Microsoft Office suite of applications, and it quickly became […]

How to Get a Free Domain Name

How to Get a Free Domain Name

The English language has some interesting, not to mention contradictory sayings. You may have heard “the best things in life are free,” although that really depends on what you consider to be the “best things.” But you may have also heard, “nothing in life comes for free,” which is a little more realistic. While it […]

Coming Soon: How a Launch Page Can Bring You Customers

Coming Soon: How a Launch Page Can Bring You Customers

Driving around your city, you’ve undoubtedly seen “Coming Soon” signs posted on empty lots, letting you know a business would soon be occupying that space. It’s a way for that business to drum up early interest and anticipation, especially if it’s something that appeals to you. If your town is lacking a good pizza joint, […]

Website Builders Compared

Website Builders Compared

After you choose a Web hosting provider and sign up, you’re ready to jump in and start building your site. If you’re in a hurry to get your site up and running, are on a tight budget or simply aren’t well-versed in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or other programming languages, you […]

Cloud-Powered Crowd: Cloudflare vs MaxCDN

Cloud-Powered Crowd: Cloudflare vs MaxCDN

The modern Internet moves at a breakneck pace; we live in an always-on, streaming-everything world that brings the World Wide Web not only to our PCs but our phones, tablets and televisions. Even as Internet connections grow faster and the content we consume becomes bigger, louder, and more richly-featured, so too do our expectations swell […]


How to Start an E-Commerce Site

Take a moment to think about this phrase: start an e-commerce site. Seems like it could be the easiest thing in the world, doesn’t it? It’s just basically building a website, putting some products on it, adding a shopping cart function, and voilà! You’re in business! It’s nothing like it used to be where you […]