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SiteGround StartUp plan
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10GB Unlimited
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BlueHost VPS Standard plan
30GB 1TB
  • Support 3.5 stars
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iPage Essential Plan
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InMotion Hosting Launch SSD plan
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A2 Hosting Lite plan
  • Support 4.5 stars
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HostPapa Business Web Hosting plan
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HostGator Linux Hatchling plan
  • Support 3 stars
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Web Hosting Hub Spark plan
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4.5 stars
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Interserver Cloud Web Hosting plan
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LiquidWeb 1 GB VPS plan
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50GB 5,000GB
  • Support 4.5 stars
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4.5 stars
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What Is 4Images Hosting?

Even the most boring information is better received—and possibly better retained—when it’s accompanied by beautiful imagery. With a photo site hosted by the 4Images gallery management system, you could help Web publishers create more aesthetically pleasing sites by offering easy access to colorful, entertaining photos.

4images is one of the most well-known Image Gallery Management Systems. It has been around a long time and you have probably seen a gallery based on it at one time or another. Today’s 4images galleries are fast, slick and filled with great features. That’s what has made it a popular choice for many that want to put their galleries online. Familiarity, features, performance, custom abilities and more launch new galleries on the 4images platform each and every day.

4images is known for its simplicity which normally can be good or bad, but in this case 4images has long been considered one of the top gallery choices available. It has great ‘out-of-the-box’ functionality and good design built into it. The solution is embraced by many that are looking for an excellent Image Gallery Management System for their personal web gallery.

What 4images can do

The 4images gallery platform is based on MySQL and web based PHP. It uses these very common web constructs to display images on web pages on the internet. 4images keeps it simple and does what it does quite well, but it’s not without bells and whistles. For instance, not only does it support the standard and typical image formats, including PNG, JPG and GIF files, but it also extends to a number of other formats. The features are controlled through the graphical administrator interface, where other options are available like modifying the gallery design and installing external language files for quick and easy translations for foreign language. When combined with the right hosting, the power of the combined platform is unbeatable as the low-cost world of web hosting meets the evolved and enduring presence of 4images’ web gallery.


As far as features go, 4images includes some rather compelling features when you’re looking for the right gallery:

  • Title and description (optional) for every category
  • Number of visible subcategories below categories can be defined
  • Multi language support
  • Download count
  • Spam protection
  • Full User Administration
  • Ratings
  • Ecards
  • Easy to use 4images installer
  • Extensive, password protected administration
  • Unlimited categories and subcategories
  • Database backup functionality
  • RSS-Feeds
  • Logging and statistics of clicks for each categories or subcategory
  • 4Images supports images in numerous formats, including jpg, png, gif, pdf, mpg, mov, and more. In order for it to function on your site, you’ll need a Linux/Apache hosting account with PHP and MySQL. Always double check software requirements against host features when considering a hosting plan purchase.

    The User Experience

    Imagine perhaps that you’re a photographer and you are looking for a way to showcase your work in an online portfolio. 4Images will help you do that, too. The software features a comment system, so you can solicit feedback from those who see your photos, perhaps helping you to improve your work, or produce more of what people like. You can also require users to register, reducing the risk of spam overrunning your site. You can of course, moderate everything that is going on the various pages on your site. That includes everything from comments, the look, the layout and the speed at which pictures display. Because 4images has been around for a while, it is an extremely open platform with all of these customization options available for just the look and feel you’re looking for on your site

    4Images offers an internal search engine, allowing you or the site’s users to seek specific images, and find them quickly and easily without ever leaving your site. The software is also multilingual, which can make your site appealing to an international audience. All of these elements make for a great user experience, filled with social, ranking and sharing options.

    The details

    Be aware though, that while 4Images is free to use, it’s specified for non-commercial use only. This means you may not use it to sell stock images, or even your own works. If you want to offer images to the public at no charge, 4Images can be a good solution.

    4images Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

    • Can I integrate 4images into my existing WordPress or Joomla! website?

      At this time, there are no official plugins to integrate a 4images gallery with an existing website created in WordPress, Joomla!, or other CMS. However, there are a number of themes you can use to customize your 4images gallery, and you can edit it directly using HTML to match the look and feel of your existing website.

    • How many languages are supported?

      There are several dozen language packs available for download from the community forum.

    • Do any features require me to install additional software?

      If you want to enable automatic thumbnail generation or automatic image resizing, you will need to also install either ImageMagick, GD, or NetPBM. All of these are open source applications that can be downloaded for free, and one or more of them may already be installed, or offered as a one click install, by your host.

    • What type of social features are available? Is it integrated with Facebook or Twitter?

      Users can rate and comment on images. Multiple users can comment, allowing for open discussion. You can restrict comments to only registered users, or leave them open for expanded discussions. At this time, there is no official support for integration with other social media sites; however, the forums do include a number of suggestions for integrating your gallery with Facebook and Twitter.

    • Do I have to use the admin panel to upload images?

      No. Uploads can be managed through your browser (for registered users), the admin panel, or using an FTP client.

    • Can users include markup in their comments?

      Yes. The comment fields support bb-codes as well as HTML. For improved security, admins can disable the use of HTML code.

    • Is there any way to prevent spam from the comment fields?

      You can require users to register before leaving comments, which should reduce most spam. If that isn’t enough, you can also download the Captcha add-on, which will require users to enter a captcha code prior to registering or leaving comments, which will help ensure your users are actual people and not automated bots.

    • What if I want to use it for commercial use?

      Commercial versions of the program are available; however, they are not free. In additional to a commercial license, you can also purchase the ability to remove the copyright notice, or a package the bundles both features together.

    • How do I install 4images?

      Before you download 4images from their website, check with your host, as they may provide it through a one-click setup. If not, you can download 4images directly from their website and manually install it onto your server. Be sure to check with your host to ensure it meets all of the requirements first.

    • Can I try it out before I commit?

      Yes. Online demos are available for both the main page that your users will see and the admin page, so you can experiment with the gallery, upload photos, and test out all of the options before you decide to download and install 4images to your server.

    • Can I modify the appearance of images on my gallery page?

      Yes. You can customize how many images you want to be displayed, the maximum dimensions for image previews, and how images are ordered. You can also set 4images to automatically convert your image files and thumbnails to a specific height or width.

    • How difficult is it to back up my image database?

      You can back up your entire database in a single click. Simply go to the Database Backup page in the admin panel and click the Database Backup button. Once you’ve created a backup, from the same page you can download it to your computer, restore it, or delete it. And if you don’t need to back up every feature, say if you only want to create a copy of all of your images, you can select individual features to back up.

    • What type of support is available?

      Users of the free version receive community-based support through the 4images forums. The forums include information on installation and configuration, plugins, templates, language packs, and general troubleshooting discussions. Users of the paid version receive proprietary community support through the forums.

    • It’s free. Does that mean it’s open source?

      No. 4images is free to use for private, non-commercial use, and can be modified for personal use. However, there are a number of limits in place, including the restriction on commercial use, limits on the number of copies that can be run simultaneously on a server, and guidelines against disseminating modified or unmodified versions of the program. For full details, refer to the licensing agreement on their website.

    • Are there any add-ons available?

      There are a small handful of add-ons available to expand upon the standard features. These include tools for multi-image uploads, captcha anti-spam features, previews for the next and previous images, and back and next arrows.

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