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What is BBClone Hosting?
Knowing how many visitors your site gets is great. But knowing a little more about them can be very helpful and valuable to your business. Written in PHP, BBClone can provide you with a lot of information about the people who visit your site. You’ll be able to gather data such as the visitor’s IP address, visit date, referring URL (what site that visitor came from), their operating system, their browser, and even the search engine query that brought them to your site.
Knowing how many people visit your site is important. But knowing a little more about your website traffic can help you design a stronger website and improve your online business.
An important element of running a website is knowing how your website is doing. How many visitors visit your site? How do they find it? What do they look at when they browse the site or search within it?
If you are interested in counting website visitors, BBClone offers a bit more information about your visitors without the complexity of an analytics tool. BBClone has a variety of features that help you monitor your site’s effectiveness.
BBClone provides lists of information and percentages about people who visit your site and how they got there. It also gives you an idea of what they do on your site as well. BBClone is written in PHP, a more simple programming language. The information is straight forward but because it is in list format, it can be difficult to parse through.
BBClone monitors data such as the visitor’s IP address, visit date, referring URL (which site the visitor came from), their operating system, browser, and search engine query that brought them to your site.
Simply put, it lets you know how people visit your site. It is a good option if you are new to running a website or would prefer less complex monitoring. Since there are several ways to monitor web traffic you may want to look at other website monitoring tools before deciding which one you prefer.
Monitoring with BBClone
Any website owner can benefit from knowing more about their website traffic in order to better customize their site’s content. Visitors find your site through direct links, referrals from another site, or searches. Your site ranks higher on search engine lists through optimizing your website (also known as SEO)
For example, if you see that many visitors use a particular search term to get to your site, you can include that keyword phrase in your content. Keywords are what search engines use to list your site. If, on the other hand, your visitors are referred from another site, you can capitalize on that by creating a relationship with the other site (such as a guest post or ad).
Customization can then bring more traffic. Monitoring your traffic can help you increase sales (if you run an online business) as well as save money when you delete ineffective elements of your site.
Disadvantages of BBClone
Web counters differ from analytics tools in the amount of information they provide. An analytics tool, easily available, analyzes much more but requires greater resources and time to review the information.
Analytics tools, many of which are suited to small and medium sized retail sites, gather a plethora of information about who is visiting your site, what they look at within your site, and how long they look at it. Google Analytics, Spring Metrics, and Woopra are three good options.
One of the most recognized tools is Google Analytics. To use Google Analytics embed it into your website so it can gather information about your content and your visitors. Then the Google Analytics tool takes that information, interprets it and puts it into a readable format. However, know that any information gathered belongs to Google.
The information gathered by an analytics tool is more detailed and more complex than a web counter program (such as BBClone). Analytics tools present their data in graphs, percentages and pie charts. These tools use a highly graphic and colorful format making them fairly easy to read. The disadvantage with an analytics tool is how much information you have to examine in comparison to BBClone.
BBClone is more streamlined. It also requires less processing power. However the software is not frequently updated and thus not always stable. BBClone is only compatible and supported by a few hosting plans.
Be sure to check if your hosting plan will support it and read the program’s installation instructions thoroughly. If you decide BBClone provides too little information for your growing website’s needs, you can switch to an analytics tool.
Is the information BBClone provides accurate?
Any web counter or analytics tool will have flaws. Not all information is completely reliable and these tools can’t give you a complete view. At times the data is not accurate because of the various ways it is collected. Because you are seeing data and percents, you may not really know information such as why people visit your site and what they would like to see.
Also, numbers of visitors is not the same as visitors who purchase from your site or spend time going between your site and others. You can get a good sense of how many visitors your site has but not exactly what would encourage them to bookmark your site. Knowing how to rework your website does require research and a certain amount of flexibility.
What are my options for monitoring web traffic?
If you simply want to know raw numbers about visitors, a web counter like BBClone will provide that information. If however, you want more details about how people get to your site and what they do once they are there, a web analytics tool will provide more information in a clearer format.
Google Analytics on the other hand has more elements to both what it analyzes and what it reports. It does require processing power and time spent interpreting.
You need to decide the amount of information you want and how you want it presented. With any monitoring tool, you have to spend time looking over the information and deciding how to best use it. This can help you determine whether you choose a simpler web counter or a more complex web analytics tool.