The Best ClientExec Hosting: Who’s The Best For Your Site? [Updated: 2021]

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What is ClientExec?

Client Exec is a hosting business management tool that allows web hosting companies and hosting resellers to easily keep track of billing, setup, and other web hosting account tasks.

Client Exec handles the business of running a web hosting company. It automates tasks like billing, invoicing, account setup, domain name registration, and other details you might otherwise have to handle manually. It is, in essence, ecommerce for your web hosting service.

Key Client Exec Features

Task Automation
Automatically bill, send invoices, register domains, launch installation scripts, provision virtual servers, send emails, and create notifications.
In the case of tasks that can’t be handled automatically, Client Exec can be instructed to create a help desk ticket for you, so you remember to take care of it.
Actions can be automated based on schedules (recurring billing), shopping cart action (create hosting upon receiving payment), or via specialized controls.
Billing and Invoicing
Send simple online invoices via email and get paid faster. Invoices can link directly to Credit Card payment forms.
Integrate with one or more payment gateways and credit card processors, including Paypal,, and WorldPay
Create coupon codes and gift certificates. Coupons, sales, and discounts can be set for a percentage or fixed amount, and can include an expiration date.
Provide account credit to existing customers.
Generate guaranteed ongoing revenue with subscription payments and recurring billing.
Highly Customizable for your business
Set up product pricing, hosting plans, and other offerings. You have complete control over pricing structure, payment cycle, discounts, bundles, and product packages.
Tie the purchase of certain packages and products to automated server processes.
Brand or re-skin the customer experience with 22 different color options and a custom header.
Fraud Protection
Verify your customers are real customers with MaxMind protection and phone verification (without you personally having to call every phone number).
Customer Support (You supporting your customers)
Help desk ticketing system for your staff.
Integrated live chat to connect potential customers with your sales and support team.
Email can be automatically converted into help desk tickets.
Support for a custom written knowledge base, to provide documentation and help information directly to your customers before they crowd your phone line.
Customer Support (Client Exec supporting you)
Client Exec provides a number of free support mechanisms, including complete and detailed documentation and user support forums.
Premium support can be purchased as an add-on to your account.
Development API
The Client Exec Support API allows you to integrate support features, such as help desk ticketing, with third party or custom-built support systems.
The Client Exec Users API provides user management and reporting capabilities.
Hosting Reseller Support
Complete integration with a number of control panels, including Softaculous and Installatron.
One click installation and easy setup for reseller accounts. : Reseller API provides methods for Viewing, Adding, and Deleting licenses.

Compare ClientExec Hosting Plans

PEOPLE’S CHOICE: #1 HOST FOR clientexec Apr 2021
Bronze Reseller plan

$19.95 / mo

2 GB VPS plan

$59 / mo

Reseller Hosting Silver plan

$19.95 / mo

R-100 Reseller plan

$8.98 / mo

Managed VPS 1 plan

$65 / mo

Reseller Power Plus plan

$22.99 / mo

Client Exec Integrations and Partners

Client Exec has full support for a wide range of web hosting control panels, including: – cPanel – Cast Control – DirectAdmin – GameCP – HyperVM – interworx – ISPmanager – onapp – SolusVM – TCAdmin – Virtualmin – WHMPHP – WHMSonic

Client Exec integrates with a number of payment gateways, including: – Paypal – 2Checkout – – BluePay – CCAvenue – Chronopay – eWay – Internet Secure – Onebip – Paysystems – Payza – eProcessing Network – PSiGate – Quantum and Quantum Vault – Stripe – WorldPay

Client Exec can manage domain registration, renewal, WHOIS information, and any other domain registrar tasks through its plugin integrations with several different web registrar companies, including: – eNom – OpenSRS – Reseller Club – Realtime Registry – Online NIC – Netim –

Client Exec Available Plans

Client Exec is available for self-hosting or in a subscription-based SaaS model. The self-hosted version can be leased on an ongoing payment or purchased outright in a one-time payment. The Hosted SaaS option has Basic and Pro versions, with varying levels of support and number of allowed users. Paid support plans are also available.

For those looking at switching to Client Exec from another web hosting management tool (like WHMCS), Client Exec offers “refugee pricing.”

Client Exec licenses can also be purchased in bulk and resold to your hosting reseller customers. Management of license allocation and verification is done through the Client Exec license API, so provisioning can be done programatically from anywhere inside your process flow.

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Looking for a great ClientExec hosting deal?
HostPapa offers a range of reseller plans that support ClientExec. You can get special pricing on those plans by using this discount link.

Client Exec Hosting Requirements

  • PHP 5.3.x +
  • MySQL 4.1.x +
  • GD PHP Extension integration with PHP for report graphs support
  • ionCube loader (v4.4.1+)
  • mcrypt PHP Extension for credit card transactions
  • cURL with SSL PHP Extension
  • Multibyte String PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension

Recommended by Client Exec

  • IMAP PHP Extension for email routing
  • Memory limit of 128M recommended

Other features in Control Panels

ClientExec Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is WML?

    WML, or Wireless Markup Language, is a version of XML in use since the late 1990s that specifies how content will get displayed on mobile devices.

  • What is WAP?

    WAP, or the Wireless Access Protocol, is a protocol used by mobile web browsers to access content. WAP runs on all operating systems and is supported by major carrier networks including CDMA and GSM.

  • What is the difference between WML and HTML?

    Like HTML, WML is a markup language used to design web pages. It supports many of the same elements as HTML including hyperlinks, forms, and images.

    In contrast with HTML, WML has limited functionality since it is targeted towards platforms with small screens, limited processing power, and less bandwidth.

  • Do I need to install any additional packages to get WAP to work on my server?

    Other than modifying configuration files to support additional MIME types for WAP, no other software needs to be installed on your server to get WAP to work.

    However, to get WAP data to go to wireless phones, it needs to travel through a WAP gateway which is owned by a wireless service provider.

  • How can I know if my hosting service supports WAP/WML?

    In most cases, hosting companies should support WAP/WML by default. If you intend to support mobile users, you will need to email or call your hosting company to see if they support WAP/WML.

  • Are WAP/WML sites capable of dynamic scripting, the way HTML sites are?

    Yes. WAP/WML sites can support dynamic scripting languages like PHP just like HTML.

  • Do I need to learn WAP and WML if I’m using a content management system?

    Content management systems such as WordPress include many themes and templates that are responsive, which means that the website’s design will adjust with the size of the screen.

    However, responsiveness may not work for older WAP phones so for complete compatibility, you will need WAP and WML to create a separate page.

    Also, your team should consider if this is really needed since the number of users in this category is quickly declining.

  • Besides using a content management system or WAP/WML, are there any other ways to support mobile users?

    You can create an app for your website. However, the drawback is that you have to rely on your mobile users to download your app which is not an option for older WAP enabled phones.

  • Do you still need to use WAP/WML for tablets?

    Most modern tablets can handle anything your desktop computer can. Older tablets, however, may still rely on WAP/WML.

  • Will image-intensive sites work with WAP/WML?

    Image-intensive sites should still work, but some WAP users will have a hard time viewing the images since they have small screen sizes and plans with slow network connections.

  • Is limited keyboard functionality still an issue for cell phone users?

    While smartphones continue to grow in popularity, many cell phone users, particularly in the exploding prepaid market, continue to purchase smaller, less-expensive phones. Most of these do not include a traditional QWERTY keyboard.

    Of course, as more low-cost prepaid smartphones are produced these users may eventually make the transition resulting in limited keyboard functionality being less of an issue.

  • With faster 4G and LTE internet nearly everywhere, do we still need to program for slower connections?

    Just like there continues to be a small percentage of individuals using dial-up to get online, you can expect that there will be many cell phone users stuck with slow connection speeds for many years to come.

  • Is WAP/WML required for Android or iOS devices?

    In general, modern smartphones are not going to require a separate site built using WAP/WML.

    Their processors and wireless networks can handle both simple websites as well as complex, feature-rich content containing images, streaming video, and audio.

  • If smartphones and tablets can handle the same content as desktops, do I need to create mobile-friendly pages?

    Since more users are using mobile phones to browse the web, you need to create mobile-friendly pages. Though you may not need WAP or WML to create sites suitable for mobile screens, consider restructuring your site.

    Fortunately, many content management systems have responsive themes that will automatically build a mobile-friendly site.

  • If I use WAP/WML, will my mobile pages start with M instead of WWW?

    It depends on how you have your server configured.

    Regardless of what your web address starts with, if your site supports both mobile and desktop devices, your pages will adjust to a mobile-friendly version when accessed on devices smaller than a specified resolution.

  • Is WAP still being developed?

    As a result of 3G and 4G networks, data transfer speeds on cell phones are much faster reducing the need for WAP protocols.

    However, WAP is still being developed, because many people, especially in rural communities and those using pre-paid phones, still rely on slower 2G networks.

  • Does WML currently have widespread use?

    Since WAP 2.0 was introduced, servers and phones were able to interpret XHTML script which made WML all-but-obsolete allowing for more feature-rich pages.

    The faster processors and larger screen sizes on smartphones further accelerated this trend.

Adam Michael Wood

About Adam Michael Wood

Adam specializes in developer documentation and tutorials. In addition to his writing here, he has authored engineering guides and other long-form technical manuals. Outside of work, Adam composes and performs liturgical music. He lives with his wife and children in California.

Connect with Adam

Who’s Best for ClientExec Hosting?

We think HostPapa is the best choice for ClientExec.

    409 Reviews Visit HostPapa Now or read our in depth review


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    December 3, 2019

    We’ve been using Client Exec for about 10+ years now and it’s perfect for our needs. We also failed to keep up with our upgrades over the past few years and they reached out to us to do it almost for free. Wow, cost nothing, not even a $100 bucks! They did a great job, and we’d recommend using Client Exec for your billing and hosting management software solution.