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What is Gigamail Hosting?

Need to send large files via email? Gigamail may be the right solution for you.

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Why Choose GigaMail Hosting? 

Emailing large attachments is complicated and frustrating for many email users. Web-based email providers usually limit attachment sizes at 10 to 25 MB, depending on which service you choose. However, the size is further limited by the recipient’s email provider. Encoding an attachment can increase its size, and a file that was within the limit on your local hard drive might exceed that limit once attached to an email.

Gigamail is an email delivery system that allows you to send huge attachments via email. You may send a message to as many as ten recipients. Your attachment is uploaded to a server. When the message arrives in the recipient’s inbox, it is a text message with a link to download the attachment from the server. This means that you can send large attachments to anyone at any email address, regardless of their provider’s attachment limitations.

The application is also configured to allow Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encoding and password-protection of attachments.

Some Web hosting providers offer Gigamail as an additional emailing feature. Sometimes hosts will charge a fee for setup or increased storage associated with Gigamail. Hosting providers who offer it typically allow for easy installation via their users’ hosting control panel. If your business struggles with sending large email attachments, Gigamail is worth a look.

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