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  • Site Symphony

What is SiteSymphony Hosting?

SiteSymphony and other site builders let you create a website for your business without hiring a developer.

Nearly anyone can build a website without doing any coding by using a website builder. The user interface (UI) and exact features vary between them, but the end result is a functional website without a programming or coding skills. SiteSymphony is a retired website building tool.

WebSite Creator replaced SiteSymphony for website hosting services such as Apollo Hosting. CM4All developed its first content management system (CMS) in 1999. They are the company behind WebSite Creator. CM4All offers WebSite Creator Business Edition (BE) and Consumer Edition (CE).

One value-added feature is access to professionally designed website templates, free for use, included with your WebSite Creator package. Other features include, but are not limited to: embedding rich media, guestbooks, maps, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools. E-commerce features which may be offered include, but are not limited to: product listings, payment processing, shopping cart thumbnails, and product photos.

WebSite Creator is a useful site builder for just about any individual or business who doesn’t have a design department or the budget to hire a developer and designer. Many hosting companies offer WebSite Creator as the site building tool with their hosting accounts. You’ll find that most hosts offer a basic version (with limited options) for free. They also usually offer packages for an additional fee which include certain features and increased storage amounts along with WebSite Creator.

WhoIsHostingThis Recommends


Pros: Free domain name , Unlimited traffic, emails, DBs

Cons: No Windows-based plans

SiteGround is an established web host managing well over 1,000 servers and... Read more

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Pros: Free Domain , Unlimited Bandwidth


Bluehost provides customers with low-cost shared hosting, as well as reseller, VPS... Read more

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Pros: Free SSDs , 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Cons: No Windows-based Plans

InMotion Hosting has been providing web hosting services since 2001. The company... Read more

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