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  • Website Builder Plus

What is Website Builder Plus Hosting?

What are the options for building a good website today? You can hire an expensive designer or web development firm to build your website for you. You can learn to use a popular Content Management System like WordPress or Drupal. You can read a dozen books on HTML and put something together yourself. Or you can use a website builder tool like Website Builder Plus.

What is a website builder?

To understand what a website builder is, it is helpful to first understand what a website is. We use websites every day, but we rarely take the time to think about what they actually are or how they work.

What is a website?

A website is a collection of documents, called pages, that are grouped together under a common domain name and available on the internet for public viewing.

Each page has its own unique content, and all the pages have shared or similar content. For example, on this page you are reading right now, this article is unique content (it appears only on this page), but the logo, header, menus, and footer are all repeated over and over on different pages of this site.

You look at a website using a web browser. Your web browser is the software program on your computer that lets you get on the internet. It might be Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or something else. (On some smart phones, the icon just says “Browser.”Âť)

Behind any page of a website is a bunch of code that tells your web browser how to make the website look. Websites don’t arrive at your browser like a giant picture to be displayed. Instead, they come as a bunch of individual pieces of content (text, pictures, sounds, icons) with instructions (code) explaining where everything goes on the page and how it ought to look, and what to do when you click on it.

Before: Coding a website

In the early days of the internet, the only people who could put a website together were the people who knew how to write all that code for the web browser to understand. You had to be able to write HTML code in order to tell the browser what content to display, CSS code to tell it what to make the content look like, and Javascript code to tell it what to do (if you wanted it to do anything besides just sit there on the screen).

Now: Website Builders

Some people still code websites from scratch, and some people use really advanced tools that accelerate their ability to code websites from scratch (like Content Management Systems and Web Development Frameworks). But there’s also an easier solution today. Website builders.

A website builder is an app, a software program, that lets you design a website the way you might design a flier or a brochure: you simply move images and text blocks around on the screen. Behind the scenes, a powerful coding engine writes the code for you, automatically.

Website Builder Plus

Website Builder Plus is one of the most popular website building tools available.

A handy wizard is included to guide the building process with easy to follow instructions. Choose the template and then change the fonts, graphics, and colors using the point and click prompts. Templates are tailored to specific businesses with relevant text and images that are easily customized. Designs include templates for music, health & beauty, transportation, insurance companies, service providers, creative, and e-commerce websites. Add your personal touch by inserting your company logo or personal image.

The built-in text editor provides the flexibility to add descriptions, image files, page preview, has one-click publishing, meta tag keywords, and lets you add and manage your content. The overall layout of the website can be easily customized by rearrange the page structure, changing the main image, and adding a Flash introduction. Content is added using a built-in WYSIWYG editor that works like a word processor to build tables, create lists, and insert hyperlinks with a simple click. Top-level and sub-level navigation is enhanced with customizable buttons.

Add a counter, feedback form, guestbook, and forum with CGI Library Integration. Voting, statistical reporting, photo albums, e-shop, and maps are also available and add to the usability of the website. Integrating social and business applications using popular apps helps to attract more customers. Websites created with Website Builder Plus can be easily converted to mobile and optimized for all the most popular smartphones. Adding mobile capabilities increases the likelihood of customer purchases on e-commerce sites.

Website Builder Plus Hosting

Website Builder Plus is available as an included feature on many web hosting packages. You usually will find a link to it on your control panel or dashboard.

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