WhoIsHostingThis.com Forum » VPS Hosting


thoughts on prgmr?

(5 posts)


  1. I just got my prgmr VPS after waiting for them to have more space and I’m pretty happy with it. It’s not for the faint of heart but I’m a huge fan.

    Anyone else using prgmr?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  2. Not familiar with Prgmr, but will get them added to our reviews section. Would love you to share a full review with us once you’ve had a had a chance to test it out.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  3. Never heard of them before…so can’t say anything about their rep. But looking through prgmr.com I’m pretty impressed with the simplicity and prices.

    They have bare-bones tiny VPS’s at $5-8/mo — cool for someone like me that wouldn’t mind having a test server just to learn/practice server admin stuff (installing OSs, mucking around in Shell, etc.) without having to worry about breaking something.

    Thanks for posting brie, welcome to the WIHT forums. 🙂

    Posted 10 months ago #
  4. Hi!

    I’ll definitely put together a full review when I get the time.

    Toni, that’s part of the appeal. They don’t assume you’re stupid. You’ve got to do the leg work but if you are not an idiot, it’s really not that bad.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  5. Hi,
    I need to buy a VPS for developing on a Distributed File system OpenAFS. My institute policy does not allow to open random ports :).
    I would need to work on the server itself then, or can I avoid it ?
    Neways if I did work like compiling etc, how much RAM should I go for in case of Prgmr.
    Thoughts and suggestions invited!

    Posted 9 months ago #

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