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Unlimited Hosting: How Much Do You Actually Use?

(9 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by WhoIsHostingThis
  • Latest reply from subashpoudel
  1. Many popular budget web hosts offer ‘unlimited hosting’ (eg, DreamHost, HostGator).

    In practice, it usually means they offer ‘unlimited’ disk space and bandwidth, but with stricter restrictions on things like CPU usage.

    So to help users choose between an ‘unlimited host’ and one with set figures, I thought it’d be useful to share stats.

    So how much of your ‘unlimited hosting’ do you actually use?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. sage

    Depending on what the sites are for depends on the host.

    Although ‘Unlimited’ is the selling point, the drivespace is usually divided into 20Gb slots. If you use video from your own server, this could easily cause problems.

    I ended up using around 3% of the space as most of the sites were fully optimised 🙂

    Large files such as videos were hosted on an external server.

    Amazon’s S3 looks interesting, but charge per Gb stored AND bandwidth used!

    I combine the bargain hosting with external resources which have 100% uptime.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. talicy

    Well, I don’t like companies that say they have ‘Unlimited space’, because it’s simply not possible. I’d rather go with companies that specifically state how much space they have, so that you know that you have a limit.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. Interesting to hear a users take saying that. The reality is, as a marketing gimmick, it works very well – just like the ‘free domain’ promotions that so many budget hosts offer.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. I’ve never gotten anywhere close to my space quotas with any host I’ve used.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. I usually use about 14 gigs of bandwidth a month.

    CPU usage stays around 0.3% and 10 / 25 allowed processes.

    I have heard of webhosts that have the “unlimited” deals on telling people that they need to move to a dedicated or VPN if they are using to much of the “unlimited” per month.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. I’m just lookin for a cheap unlimited website…anyone know any?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. kinkyk : hostgator.com is good

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. Hmm! Unlimited space and bandwidth is just a promotion stunt. I dont think any cheap webhost (2-5$/month) will allow more than 30 gb of web space.

    Posted 2 years ago #

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