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What are your favorite Anti-Plagiarism Tools?

(5 posts)
  1. I use a host of Anti-Plagiarism tools at work including copyscape, plagium, turnitin, etc but they still seem to fail at times. I am considering ithenticate.com. Does any one here have any experience using it or any other superior service?


    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. I’ve been really looking into anti-plagiarism tools lately and I’m interested in seeing any suggestions to this. Does any one prefer paid tools instead of the free tools?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. Not used them myself but these two services look interesting:


    They’re both run by the same company.

    Jonathan Bailey – who also write for our blog – has an excellent site on the subject called PlagiarismToday.com.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. Google advanced seaerch remains a good tool, though some scrapers are catching on. For images, Google’s own image search (drag and drop). Getting a little cleverer, www.tineye.com is good for image checking.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  5. liner


    Anti-Plagiarism – an electronic system to check for plagiarism documents. Used to check degree works, coursework and other documents.

    Anti-Plagiarism – software designed to effectively detect and thereby prevent plagiarism. It is a versatile tool to deal with World Wide Web copy-pasting information from the assignment of authorship.

    Checking documents in a format *.rtf (Rich Text Format), *.doc, *.docx (Word 97 – Word 2003), *.pdf

    Checking the source code C, C++, C#, Java, …

    Posted 3 weeks ago #

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