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What Made You Choose Your Web Host?

(14 posts)


  1. srikannan

    ya i got the best web Host services in here http://www.xnynz.com/ @ relaible costs, it was suggested from my friend for the best domain name and hosting services.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. ferdies

    I am not really picky with what web hosting service to subscribe to but all that could be credited to me knowing what I want.

    I do not require something with topnotch help desk as I think I can do things on my own. Price, in my opinion, is not of the essence as you do not want to feel short changed because you saved a couple of bucks monthly.

    I need however something that would offer support to a wide variety of technologies (old or emerging).

    Posted 8 months ago #
  3. nickwalt

    I think people are effectively doing the only thing they really can before taking the plunge and trying a particular host – asking other people for their experiences. It won’t necessarily find the best host for a given price/technology, but hopefully will be a satisfactory one.
    I’ve found talking to friends that price does end up being the major factor when first going for (personal, not business) hosting. If there are downtime/support/usability issues, a proportion of people will go through the inconvenience of moving to another host. I bet it’s not a high proportion though.
    If it was easier to migrate domains, email, databases, CMS configs etc, interesting to hear how many people would have moved *away* from their current host and whether the criteria for the new one would be the same.

    Posted 8 months ago #
  4. Flow

    I use review sites / customer reviews as a starting point. Then I create a test account which I use for a while before I move an important site over.

    BTW: I hope other readers realize that the ‘best web host’ posted above by srikannan is only a reseller account of Godaddy.

    Posted 4 months ago #

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