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WordPress and Fantastico Installations Not Up To Date

(13 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by Melanie
  • Latest reply from WhoIsHostingThis
  1. Hi, I’ve finally tracked BeachServer down as the host to my WordPress site. I was under the impression HostGator was my host. Because I chose HostGator and activated Fantastico thru a HostGator cPanel link, which is now invalid.

    I have emails from Fantastico telling me my WordPress installations are not up to date. My site is telling me that the domain name for my site – “is up for grabs”. Is this because of Fantastico not being up to date?

    Have I got two problems or can’t I access my WordPress site because Fantastico is out of date?

    How do I update Fantastico installations on my WordPress site.

    Can anybody help me please?


    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. If you go to the domain for your site, you can setup the new WordPress installation. It’s very straightforward once you have uploaded the WordPress files. The instructions are very good.

    The ‘up for grabs’ refers to your name as a subdomain of wordpress.com (eg, mysite.wordpress.com). It means it’s not yet registered. Nothing to do with Fantastico.

    IF you want to host as as subdomain of WordPress.com, just go to the subdomain you want and follow the instructions.

    BTW, guessing you mean ServerBeach?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. talicy

    I’ve noticed this too with Fantastico, however, the case is different with Installatron. Their WordPress is always up to date. I always use Installatron, because it’s much smoother than Fantastico and I like the interface more. I often install wordpress manually, because it’s a really simple process. Just get the config file set up, upload the files while you’re having a meal and install it in around 2-3 minutes or less.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. WordPress can be updated at wordpress.org. Starting with WordPress version 2.5, it allows you to automatically download and upgrade right within your dashboard.

    About the Fantastico issues, you should really get a hold of your host.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. sage

    Fantastico is usually updated every 4-6 months by reliable hosts.

    They tend to be a little bit behind as they want to offer tested, stable releases of the various software tools (WordPress, TikiWiki, Joomla!, etc).

    WordPress is a great tool, but because of the modular nature, can be daunting to install yourself. It really isn’t that bad, the hard part is accessing your database (usually through phpMyAdmin!). They have a ‘Famous 5 minute install’ and that’s true, once you know your server details.


    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. The WordPress upgrade process has certainly improved in recent releases, too. The one-click upgrade works on 2 of the 3 hosts I’ve tried it on. That said, I presume this will stop oyu using Fantastico for future upgrades/uninstalls, so be warned.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. sage

    The WordPress upgrade does not appear to affect the Fantastico installations I have tried it on.

    The only issue I can see is your version of WP is higher than that provided by the Fantastico installer.

    I checked the database and compared it with my offline back up (performed before the upgrade) all seems intact.


    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. Excellent, that’s worth knowing. Don’t normally use Fantastico, but that might be enough to make me try it out.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. shadowking

    Well i think this is a real odd problem.I mean i am using the wordpress and fantastico since a long time and i think i have yet never seen anything like that.
    I think you should contact the hosting provider for it.
    Also i would like to know is the domain is registered by the host.If this is so then it clearly indicate that your service is terminated.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. Hmm not sure it means their hosting account is terminated. But, as ever, always a good idea to keep your domains registered *away* from your web host.

    Posted 2 years ago #

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