DotCanada: What Coupons Are Available for Apr 2021?

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DotCanada’s big draw is its Canadian heritage; its support staff are based in Canada, and the company proudly advertises that on its website. In terms of hosting, it provides customers with ‘DotSiteBuilder’, a do-it-yourself website builder tool and ecommerce solution. Advanced plans come with its Mobile Site Builder product and consultation time with a member of the team.

Site builder plans are ideal for some clients, but not all site builder tools are comparable. You’ll need to look at the features and cost, the number of content pages permitted on the site, the quality of the templates and more. We recommend that new customers research DotCanada on the WhoIsHostingThis website before signing up to a long contract.

We also offer a DotCanada promotional code for DotSiteBuilder customers.

Get a substantial discount off a new annual DotCanada subscription fee with this exclusive promotional code. You’ll enjoy a much lower price for your DotSiteBuilder hosting plan by following these simple instructions.

How to Use Our DotCanada Coupon

#1. Copy the coupon code from this page. Then click the “Get Your Dot Canada Deal” link on this page.#2. Select your package, ensuring you choose the annual payment option. Review the cost and click the Checkout button.#3. At the bottom of the Review & Checkout page, paste in your promotional code.#4. Click Validate Code.

Dot Canada Coupon and Ordering FAQs

What hosting plans does Dot Canada offer?

Dot Canada only provides shared hosting plans and reseller hosting (for resellers to offer shared plans). They do not offer VPS or dedicated server plans.

Is shared hosting right for me?

Possibly. Shared hosting is a very cheap way to get an online presence up and running without much hassle. It is a good fit for bloggers who are just getting started, for small non-tech businesses, and for local non-profits and community groups like clubs, churches, and private schools.

Shared hosting is usually not a great option for high-traffic sites, online businesses, e-commerce sites, and SaaS web apps.

Dot Canada specifically states that they are geared toward small businesses in Canada. If you fit that description, they are probably a good fit for you.

Is Dot Canada’s reseller hosting a good fit for my business?

That depends. Dot Canada only provides shared hosting plans and their data centers and customer support are all in Canada.

Dot Canada’s reseller plans are best suited for resellers who want to sell shared hosting plans to a primarily Canadian customer base.

Should I use the DIY Site Builder tool?

Possibly. There is a strong overlap between the types of businesses who would benefit from a site-builder tool and Dot Canada’s target customer: small, non-tech businesses who need a low-cost, easy-to-run online presence.

If you need a simple website up and running fast, the site builder tools is not a bad idea. However, these tools are highly templated, so you won’t have as many options or customization as if you hired a web designer. Also, you won’t have the additional features and benefits of a robust Content Management System like WordPress.

So it really depends on which is more important to you: speed, ease, and cost or power and customization.

What kind of support does Dot Canada provide?

Dot Canada provides 24/7 Live Chat support, phone support during business hours, and a trouble ticket system. All support personnel are based in Canada.

They also provide a knowledge base and tutorials.

Can I pay monthly at Dot Canada?

No. Available billing terms are quarterly, annually, biennially, and triennially?

Is there any benefit to paying for a longer hosting period?

Yes. Dot Canada provides discounts for longer terms.

Does Dot Canada provide an uptime guarantee?

Yes. Dot Canada’s plans are back by a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This is, of course, subject to the usual exclusions (customer faults don’t count; third party faults don’t count; scheduled maintenance doesn’t count), but any down time in excess of .1% (about 43 minutes in a single month) is remedied with account credits.

Does Dot Canada provide a money back guarantee?

Yes. Dot Canada offers a 30-day money back guarantee on their shared and reseller hosting plans.

Does Dot Canada provide a free domain name with hosting plans?

No. You have to pay for your domain name separately.

Will my hosting fees go up when I renew my plan?

Yes. All prices listed on the Dot Canada websigte are introductory promotional offers. Plans renew at their “regular” rate.


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e overy

September 6, 2019

you should remove reference to dotsitebilder as it was removed from dotcanada as no longer supported by vendor (at least that is what we were told was our problem). Was pulled from under our feet with no notice…found out when we wanted to update our site. That was in the sprint (2019). Every since then, it has been hell trying to work with their support team. Don’t think they know how to do support or have any knowledge of what they are doing….lots of days lost of uptime, losts of days to get response ….


Toni Allen

September 11, 2019

Thanks for the info, our team will look into and update shortly.