EasySpace In 2020: What Do EasySpace Client Reviews Say?

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Easyspace Introduction

If you’re looking for a hosting company in the UK, Easyspace could fit the bill. Founded in 1997, the company is part of iomart PLC and hosts its customers websites in six UK data centres. Other iomart brands include RapidSwitch, Melbourne Hosting and iomart Cloud, and the group boasts 100 per cent uptime across all of its companies.

Easyspace offers web hosting and domain registration, and its shared hosting services are its most prominent product. The company also provides email hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated server plans.

Easyspace Hosting Plans

Easyspace offers a good range of hosting, from affordable shared hosting through to dedicated servers. All of its servers are located in the UK; the company has a stake in six data centres across the country.

  • Shared hosting is split into four plans: Pic ‘n’ Mix, StarterPlus, Business and Site Builder. Pic ‘n’ Mix is a customisable plan, and StarterPlus is a pre-defined, fairly typical shared hosting solution. Business is an upgraded version of StarterPlus, whereas Site Builder (also referred to by its cumbersome name ‘EasySiteLive Pro’) is a very basic type of hosting for non-technical users.
  • Ecommerce hosting is essentially shared hosting paired with payment gateways and ecommerce tools built-in. There are three plans: Starter, Business and Pro; the top-end package includes up to 10,000 products, HSBC and WorldPay payment processing, product ratings, eBay integration and RSS feeds.
  • Cloud hosting is offered across three plans: Bronze, Silver and Gold. All are based on the VMWare platform and priced monthly. Users can select one of six Linux operating systems or three versions of Windows.
  • VPS hosting can be purchased with either Windows or Linux; each is split into three plans. All include 24/7 support and a control panel, Plesk. There’s also an option to customise the VPS plans on offer, or purchase a MetaTrader VPS.
  • There are four pre-defined packages for dedicated servers, if you include the Budget package. Again, users can customise these if they wish. Users can choose a SSD hard drive and select Windows or Linux for their operating system.
  • Easyspace offers goMobi, a mobile website package, as a separate hosting solution. The gMobi software is essentially a site builder tool.

With such a huge range of services, it’s hard to say what the priority is, but shared hosting is given centre stage on the site. Having said that, I don’t think anyone would feel that there was a lack of choice.

Easyspace Uptime/Downtime

It’s refreshing to see a UK hosting offering a 100% uptime guarantee, since few seem to be able to do this. However, Easyspace does – and it applies that guarantee across all of its services, from the cheapest shared hosting plan right through to its top-end dedicated server. The company also has a system status page, but this doesn’t show any historical data, and it hadn’t been updated for more than three weeks when I visited.

Easyspace is clearly very proud of its six UK data centres (located in Glasgow, Manchester, Maidenhead, Nottingham, Leicester and London) and promotes them across its website. All of the facilities are owned and operated by the company, which is very impressive. There’s a page in the dedicated servers section that lists the facilities of each data centre in great detail: each one has full security with Smart Card access, N+1 HVAC coverage and fire suppression, two independent power feeds plus UPS and diesel backups, plus on-site technical engineers who are all Easyspace employees.

Customers on shared hosting plans can opt to include backup provision if they wish – this includes a rolling 8-week backup of the entire account, including any databases. Presumably this is not free and must be paid for. Backup services on other plans, including dedicated servers, are an optional extra. Easyspace doesn’t offer any backups at all unless the customer pays for them, and it won’t guarantee that backups are valid, even if you do pay.

Easyspace Support

As you’d expect, all of Easyspace’s support personnel are located in the UK. Email and ticket support is provided 24/7.

To get in touch over the phone, customers have to dial an 0370 number. 0370 numbers are charged at geographic rates, similar to 0870 numbers, and are unfortunately not free. I couldn’t find any information about the extent of the opening hours for telephone support, but it would appear that it’s not offered 24/7.

The rest of Easyspace’s support information is hidden away and only visible to paying customers, so it wasn’t possible to evaluate the quality of the support material provided.

Easyspace in the News

I didn’t find any high-profile news stories about Easyspace, so we must assume its hosting has been been relatively reliable and stable.

Easyspace Control Panel

As mentioned earlier in the review, Plesk is offered on VPS hosting plans. Dedicated server customers can choose Plesk (Linux/Windows) or cPanel (Linux only), but this is billed as an upgrade.

Shared hosting customers must use Easyspace’s custom control panel. Because its support information is locked away out of view, it’s impossible to ascertain what the control panel is like.

Easyspace Extras

Shared hosting customers get £75 of Google Adwords credit, but they must deposit £25 in order to claim this. Customers also get credits for MailingManager, an email marketing program, and a free trial of an ecommerce package. One-click installers include 50 packages: WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, osCommerce and more.

As you might expect, customers on other hosting plans (including cloud and VPS hosting) don’t receive any bonuses to sweeten the deal.

Easyspace Money Back Guarantee / Cancellation Policy

Easyspace’s money-back guarantee period is very short – just 7 days. Cancellation requests must be raised via the host’s control panel using the ticketing system.

Many Easyspace hosting packages are provided over long terms of several years. It’s important to study Easyspace’s Terms and Conditions in detail to ensure you know your rights if you want to cancel. Basically, all monies paid are non-refundable and all packages will auto-renew unless cancelled. Should your payment method fail, you can be charged £15 per letter sent to you. If you choose to renew manually, you’ll be charged £3 extra.

Easyspace Summary

Easyspace obviously invests in quality and its hosting plans are comprehensive and well-priced. The company’s UK data centres will appeal to clients in Europe, and the fact that it runs its own facilities definitely works in its favour. It’s nice to see a hosting company openly discuss its facilities and promote them on its website.

Unfortunately, there is some devil in the detail when it comes to Easyspace’s hosting packages. Telephone support appears to be limited, and it’s provided via free phone numbers. The issue of a custom control panel will be a major drawback for more experienced hosting users on shared hosting plans. Even the VPS plans don’t come with the option of cPanel, which is a real shame, since it’s one thing many customers look for.

Despite this, Easyspace is obviously a company that cares about its customers and has put time and effort into designing comprehensive hosting plans. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re willing to trade a short money-back guarantee for a ‘true’ UK hosting company.

EasySpace Reviews by Our Community

Overall Rating from 31 Reviews by EasySpace Customers


Most Helpful Reviews

Ross McCreight avatar
Ross McCreight http
May 31, 2018

Was looking for simple 1 Mailbox on a Domain that i fancied , Easyspace got it up and running in no time. Controls panel is pretty easy to work. Had a few issues getting the settings for outlook2013 but the online tutorial sorted it for me. Price seams reasonable for the service received

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Jerry Leach avatar
Jerry Leach binaryone.eu
Aug 13, 2010

I have not been happy about Easyspace for quite some time. I find there control panel useless (it seems to send messages to techs who then do the work!) and their support is iffy to say the least. However the last episode is the pits.

They have an’Auto Renew’ system for your services. I transferred a domain away from them and a week later they ‘Auto Renewed’ an MySQL service for that domain a Month before it was due to expire. They refuse now to refund the money (approx £37) and say the Terms and Conditions clearly state that auto renew will be done a month in advance and there can be no refund.

Well good luck reading there T&C’s and finding that bit!!! So I have renewed a service automatically on something I can never use. Robbery spings to mind.

Avoid them like the plague. And if you cant then Remove all ‘auto Renew’ from your services.

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Max Ross avatar
Max Ross max-design.co.uk
Feb 10, 2014

Easyspace shared hosting servers are blocked by Google due to large quantities of virus hosting websites. Tried to cancel my package before it renewed but easyspace had already taken money from account, so refused to refund. Stay well away from this host.

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EasySpace Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does EasySpace offer Windows hosting?

    Yes. EasySpace offers both Linux and Windows hosting depending on your preference.

  • Does EasySpace offer any migration services?

    Not really. They do offer some migration help and will help with on-site migrations for larger projects, but only for Microsoft 365 or MS Exchange migrations.

    For WordPress or other OS web applications, they do not offer any support.

  • What sort of hosting does EasySpace offer?

    EasySpace offers shared, VPS, and dedicated plans across both Linux and Windows servers with multiple tiers of service for each product.

    They also offer reseller hosting, but only as part of their sister company Easynic.

    Their VPS and dedicated hosting services come fully managed, semi-managed, and self-managed.

    They also offer various specialist shared server products specific for ecommerce, businesses, blogs, and starter packs.

  • What sort of payment options does EasySpace provide? Is there a discount for signing a longer contract?

    EasySpace charges yearly for their shared plans and monthly for their VPS and dedicated options.

    Shared hosting customers can get up to 20% off if they purchase five years of hosting at a time.

    Credit card payments are accepted, as well as alternative payment methods. The company accepts both PayPal and Worldpay payments.

  • Do you get a free domain with hosting?

    Every shared hosting plan includes one domain for a year (.co.uk are included for two years) and unlimited subdomains. VPS and dedicated hosting does not include a free domain but you can purchase one from EasySpace.

  • Is Whois privacy included?

    No, but it is available for purchase.

  • What support is available?

    EasySpace offers UK-based phone support 9 am – 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday. They also have a ticketing system and a knowledgebase with self-help guides.

  • Is support available in multiple languages?

    No. Support is only available in English.

  • Where are EasySpace’s datacenters?

    EasySpace has 10 datacenters dotted across the UK in London, Glasgow, Leicester, Nottingham, Manchester and Maidenhead. Their headquarters are in Glasgow.

  • What programming languages do they support?

    EasySpace supports PHP 5.6, Perl 5.10.1, and Phyton for Linux and ASP.Net 4.5 for Windows.

  • Does EasySpace have a money-back guarantee?

    Yes they have a 7 day money-back guarantee on all new web hosting purchases.

  • Does EasySpace have an uptime guarantee?

    Yes they have a 100% uptime guarantee for every calendar month for all their hosting products.

    This guarantee only covers customers for downtime caused by EasySpace, and not extenuating factors.

    Credits are assigned should EasySpace fail to meet this guarantee. Contact customer support for more information.

  • What applications can I use with EasySpace?

    EasySpace provides one-click installs to over 50 different applications with all their shared hosting plans, including WordPress, Joomla, b2evolution, and Drupal.

    They also have access to ecommerce shopping carts on a free trial basis but ultimately they come at an additional cost.

  • What security features does EasySpace offer?

    SSL certificates can be added to any hosting product for an additional annual cost. EasySpace has a full range of SSL certificates available depending on what level of security you need.

    The email functions on their shared plans can also be secured with email virus and spam filters for an additional cost.

    EasySpace also protects their own servers from DDoS attacks and has 24/7 virus and malware scanning.

  • What control panel does EasySpace offer?

    They offer Plesk for their VPS product and Plesk or cPanel for their Cloud VPS.

    For their dedicated servers they have Plesk, cPanel, or ESCP, their own proprietary control panel.

    Their shared plans come with their own ESCP for free with the option to upgrade to Plesk (at a cost).

  • What does EasySpace mean by “unlimited bandwidth.”

    It’s not unlimited. It means that their fair use policy limits are high enough that most customers will never hit them — making them appear unlimited.

    Shared plans get 250 GB per month of bandwidth, VPS get 1 TB per month, and dedicated servers get 5 TB per month.

  • And what does EasySpace mean by “unlimited storage”?

    For storage, they do not provide a numerical cap but instead outline several things in the fair use policy you are not allowed to do, including using your storage to backup files and store media. See their fair use policy for more information.

  • Does EasySpace offer CDN services?

    No, they do not offer CDN services. However, they do offer SSD caching.

  • What backup systems does EasySpace have in place?

    All shared plans include daily backup.

    On all their hosting products, they offer backup and restore, which backs up a site every 8 weeks, with customers choosing if they want to keep that old copy or just write over it.

    This option is included on some higher tiers of shared hosting but for most plans needs to be added on for an additional cost.

    Their dedicated servers can also add cloud backup at an additional cost per GB.

  • Does EasySpace have a website building tool?

    Yes. They offer both web design services as well as access to their own drag and drop website builder, EasySiteLive PRO. It comes at an additional cost but does include a free trial. Contact customer service for more information.

Claire Broadley

About Claire Broadley

Claire has been creating websites for over 20 years and has been using WordPress for over ten. She is an expert in web hosting, design, HTML, and more. She lives with her husband and son in the United Kingdom.

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