Has Closed: What Are the Best Alternatives?

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What Happened to eHost

In mid-August 2017, eHost announced that it would soon shut down and that new users should use iPage. As of July 2018, eHost stopped supporting old customers and transferred them to JustHost (and Sitelio for their website builder customers).

eHost was a US-based hosting company, originally founded in 1996. The company was purchased by the Endurance International Group (EIG) in 2010, and became one of its key brands in the low-cost, beginner hosting market. It was based out of Houston, Texas in the United States, where its datacenter was also located.

eHost Alternatives

For people who found eHost attractive, we’ve put together alternatives that will work well.


Bluehost Logo

Bluehost is known for its commitment to WordPress but it offers a full range of hosting plans for those just starting in hosting all the way up to established businesses.

Like eHost, Bluehost is part of EIG. As a result, they offer similar plans. In fact, their base plan costs the same as eHost’s: $2.75 per month. However, if you want to get a plan that hosts unlimited websites, you will need to upgrade to Bluehost’s Plus plan, which costs $5.95 per month.

You can find out everything you need to know about Bluehost at our review page, which includes over 480 customer reviews. Or go straight to Bluehost and see what they have to offer.


SiteGround Logo

SiteGround is our top-rated web host. They offer fast and exceptionally stable servers – with an uptime of over 99.99% on our tests over the last year. They also offer arguably the best support in the industry.

The downside with SiteGround is that they are a bit more expensive. Their base plan, which supports one website, is $3.95 per month. To host multiple websites, you will need to pay $5.95 per month – but this comes with many advantages like a staging server.

Learn more about SiteGround with our expert review (and check out 2,900+ user reviews). Or you can visit SiteGround now.

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting Logo

A2 Hosting is similar in many ways to SiteGround. Our tests indicate its uptimes are not quite as good but their page-load speeds are significantly faster.

The basic (one website) A2 Plan is $3.92 per month. Their unlimited plan is $4.90. Best of all, their renewal prices are less than both Bluehost and SiteGround. One thing to remember, however, is that A2 Hosting is not as easy to use. If you are new to web hosting, you may want to go with the other hosts.

If you want to know more, check out our review page, which should answer all your questions. It includes over 260 customer reviews. Or just click over to A2 Hosting now.

Services and Specializations

eHost kept things very simple, with just one Linux shared hosting package. The plan included unmetered storage space and bandwidth. To get your site up and running quickly, eHost offered one-click installers, including applications like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. All customers could set up unlimited email addresses, databases, and domains. Advertising credits were included to give your site a head-start on AdWords and the Yahoo/Bing ad network.

The plan also included a website builder tool, a domain name, and a variety of e-commerce scripts, and packages to help you get a store online. The price advertised was an introductory rate, however, so the renewal price was higher (usually double).

As with most basic plans, you need to keep in mind that unmetered bandwidth wasn’t necessarily unlimited. Companies like eHost monitor users to make sure their usage falls within an acceptable range. Few business websites will exceed normal resource consumption, but if you ran lots of scripts, you may have been asked to upgrade. Running bandwidth-intensive services, like file download websites, is usually prohibited on these kinds of plans.

Although eHost’s support material refers to VPS and dedicated servers, these didn’t seem to be available for purchase.

Continued after user reviews Reviews by Our Community

Overall Rating from 61 Reviews by Customers


Most Helpful Reviews

Saransh Bhatt avatar
Saransh Bhatt
Oct 21, 2015

I’ve been using eHost from 11 months and the quality of service is pretty amazing. I signed up for in Jan 2015 and I’m surprised with the quality of support, they have been polite whenever I had any problem. Seriously, if you are starting a new blog then eHost might be the best options for you.

Site uptime and site loading speed is great. Earlier I had some problems with the name servers so I raised a ticket and the issue was resolved within 16-18 minutes, great isn’t it ? For just $2.75 per month (for 1st year) its a value for money service.

I don’t know why eHost is having some bad reviews as I’m completely satisfied and happy with their service. Just go for ehost without having any second thought in your mind. Value for money!

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Chirag Agarwal avatar
Chirag Agarwal
May 03, 2016

I bought hosting from at a right time. I got a free domain name with many other Marketing features. I am quite new so I reached their support many times.

I was able to connect in approximate 5 minutes. They have a custom Cpanel which makes very easy to handle everything. I have been hosting my sites on Ehost from almost 5 months and my site got no downtime(in my knowledge).

The best part is that my hosting space is unlimited(if used acc. To their guidelines).

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bak john avatar
bak john
Feb 19, 2018

One of the worst companies you may think to deal with, you will never get a clear answer or support. It seems you deal with robots and nobody cares how bad is your issue. I faced a server down issue for 3 days and the only replay I was getting that "Please wait for our email" !

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Support and Customer Service

Support was available 24/7 via phone, live chat, and email. eHost said that phone calls would be answered in less than 2 minutes. There were also a range of online tutorials covering basic hosting administration tasks.

If you needed to migrate your site from another host, you would have had to do this yourself. Migration assistance wasn’t provided. If you were moving from a cPanel host, the move should have been relatively straightforward, since eHost also provided cPanel. Moving from a host with a different control panel could be technically complex, and is a task for experienced users only.

Infrastructure and Backups

eHost used 24 hour network monitoring. All personal information for your account, such as credit card data, was collected using SSL security and stored on secure servers. The company offered limited information on its datacenter, other than its location. It had one, CyrusOne, a facility in Houston, Texas.

Business customers and healthcare professionals needed to note that eHost was not HIPAA compliant. PCI compliance is also not guaranteed on its shared hosting plan.

eHost maintained automated backups for all servers, but those only ran once per week. What’s more, backups were only stored for a single week before being replaced. Any account that used more than 20 gigabytes of data would not be included in this backup scheme. eHost would back up the customers’ databases, but not the files. If you were concerned about data loss, it’s always a good idea to set up your own backup system.

Uptime Guarantee

eHost offered a 99.9% uptime guarantee, not including scheduled maintenance. If they failed to meet that guarantee, you might have been eligible for a one-month account credit. You would be expected to provide evidence of the excessive downtime within 30 days of the end of the month, and the final decision would be down to eHost.

Billing and Cancellation Policies

eHost accepted payment via major credit cards, bank wire transfers, Western Union, checks, and money orders. The eHost plan auto-renewed, unless other arrangements have been made. It was up to the customer to ensure their payment information remained up-to-date to avoid late payments, as any accounts not paid within 15 days of the invoice date could be suspended or terminated.

eHost offered a 30-day money-back guarantee on shared hosting services. Any cancellations within that time, for first-time buyers, would receive a full refund, minus the cost of domain registration. You would need to request cancellation, then write to the support department to ask for your refund within 90 days. If you missed this step, you wouldn’t receive a refund.

Cancellations after 30 days could have resulted in a prorated refund, though this was left to eHost’s discretion.


If you need a basic, shared hosting solution that will allow you to quickly set up your online presence with little hassle, eHost once offered the right solution. The three alternative hosts we’ve outlined here should satisfy the needs of anyone previously served by eHost.

eHost Everything Plan
Disk SpaceUnlimited
Price $2.75 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
Visit Now Frequently Asked Questions

  • Did eHost offer VPS hosting?

    No. eHost offered one shared hosting plan. There were some references to VPS hosting in its knowledgebase, but no indication that VPS plans were ever available.

  • Did eHost offer Windows hosting?

    No. eHost only offered one Linux shared hosting plan.

  • Did eHost provide help with site migration?

    No. eHost did not provide any technical support for site migration. You could have been able to migrate your websites yourself, depending on the software or CMS that you were using.

  • Was unlimited storage and bandwidth available?

    Yes. eHost provided unmetered bandwidth and storage space. In practice, this usually meant that eHost would expect your site to fall within reasonable limits, and that the website consumed normal amounts of resources. eHost said that 99.95% of customers fell into that category. Any customer using extremely large amounts of storage or bandwidth would be issued with a warning.

  • What control panel was provided?

    All shared hosting customers were provided with cPanel. It appeared that eHost previously used vDeck.

  • Did eHost provide a free domain name?

    Yes. You got one free domain name when you signed up for your hosting account.

  • Was there an uptime guarantee?

    Yes. eHost guaranteed 99.9% uptime, measured monthly. If you experienced downtime beyond this, you could claim a 1-month account credit. If you felt that your server was not providing adequate performance, eHost could move you to another server. To do this, you would need to order a new hosting account of the same type that you currently have, and then raise a ticket to have your data migrated from your old account to the new one. You could then change your DNS and cancel the old account.

  • Did eHost offer one-click script installs?

    eHost offered a Design Suite with each hosting plan. This included one-click installers for software like WordPress and b2Evolution. If you needed more flexibility, you could ask for Quickinstall for MOJO Marketplace to be enabled on your account. This offered around 100 scripts that you could install via cPanel.

  • Did eHost provide free stock images and other media?

    No. eHost did not offer any free media for download.

  • What programming languages were available?

    All customers were set up with PHP 5.4, but could request to switch to PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6. Ruby on Rails, PEAR, Python, and Perl were available.

  • Did eHost accept payments by Paypal?

    Yes. You could pay via PayPal or most major credit cards.

  • Could you pay monthly?

    Yes. eHost let you pay for your hosting month to month, so you could cancel at any time. If you choose to pay for a year or more in advance, you could have been offered a discount on the hosting price.

  • Was a content delivery network (CDN) available?

    No. You would need to set up your own CDN if you had liked to use one.

  • Where were eHost’s datacenters?

    eHost used the CyrusOne datacenter in Houston, Texas in the USA.

  • Could you host more than one website?

    Yes. eHost allowed you to use unlimited domains with your account.

  • Did eHost have special deals for students and schools?

    No. eHost did not offer discounted plans for students, schools, and non-profit organizations.

  • Did eHost have a reseller program?

    No. eHost only offered one plan, which could not be used for reselling.

  • Would eHost back up your website for you?

    No. You had to create backups manually using cPanel.

Jaramy Conners

About Jaramy Conners

Jaramy has been a technical writer for many years, specializing in privacy, identity theft, blogging, business, and communications writing. But he’s also a children’s writer. His short story "Steve" won the Hunger Mountain Katherine Paterson Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writing. He lives with his wife in upstate New York.

Connect with Jaramy


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