KoDDoS In 2021: What Do KoDDoS Client Reviews Say?

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KoDDoS Introduction

KoDDoS is a web hosting company based in Hong Kong and founded in 2009 by a couple of individuals who had been working in the security and hosting industries. The company’s goal is to provide state of the art hosting through its experienced and knowledgeable technicians and expertise in website security.

Services and Specializations

KoDDoS offers many services for regular web hosting as well as highly-secure hosting services. Though KoDDoS’s regular plans are geared toward customers needing low prices, its main focus is to provide hosting plans with multiple levels of DDoS protection for small to medium sized businesses needing hosting plans with security features.

The web is full of malicious actors looking to take down websites. Fortunately, KoDDoS has numerous plans that address these ever-present threats. Depending on their needs, customers can select from a variety of plans ranging from security enhanced shared hosting to dedicated servers and colocation services all of which have DDoS protection. The company’s shared plans for DDoS protection are divided into Medium and High Risk plans which vary by the amount of DDoS protection offered. Like most shared plans, KoDDoS’s plans offer standard features including a set amount of disk space and features such as MySQL, email, and FTP.

KoDDoS offers a wide variety of offshore hosting plans. These plans are hosted in their datacenter in the Netherlands which, as the company points out, is liberal in terms of policing content. Its offshore shared plans offer varying amounts bandwidth and disk space along with unlimited standard features including MySQL databases and FTP accounts. Its offshore reseller plans are very similar but allow much more bandwidth and disk space. The reseller plans also include cPanel and allow overselling. In addition to shared hosting plans, KoDDoS offers dedicated server and VPS plans with various options.

KoDDoS Reviews by Our Community

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Stanton Repass avatar
Stanton Repass ulvi.pw
Oct 23, 2020

I have never had a problem with Koddos uptime, but my sites are low-traffic. They keep upgrading accounts for free. My account has more than doubled in size since I signed up with them. I must say the technical support is second to none, I am not an expert at Web design and I have had many questions, their support answers in a timely manner, has capable friendly staff and always takes the time to help me understand the solution!

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Infrastructure and Uptime

Since KoDDoS focuses on providing hosting that is secure and reliable, the company should have a sound infrastructure. Most of the company’s hardware runs on Intel processors with high-speed networking ports. Its network uses multiple carriers with connections to all European networks and “exchange” points. The company’s networking hardware is sourced from well-known companies including Cisco and Juniper networks. Its datacenter is located in the Netherlands and has multiple features including redundant power, 24/7 physical security, and SSAE16 compliance.

As a result of its high-quality infrastructure and redundant network connections, the company features a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Support and Customer Service

KoDDoS prides itself on having great customer service. Its support staff is made up of individuals who are web hosting experts and are available 24/7 via live chat and e-mail. Customers needing more information can also consult the company’s blog and postings on Facebook.


Customers selecting plans from KoDDoS, can expect to pay a monthly fee for most plans. Though the plans, especially the ones featuring DDoS protection, tend to be slightly more expensive, the company sometimes offers discounts. Multiple payment options including standard ones like Paypal and major credit cards are accepted. Customers can also pay with some unusual options including crypto-currencies such as bitcoin.


KoDDoS, a hosting company based in Hong Kong, offers services focused on DDoS protection as well as standard web hosting services without added security features. The company has high-quality datacenters in the Netherlands with 24/7 expert support. Small to medium sized businesses wanting hosting along with extra security features will find KoDDoS to be a great choice!

Mini Plan AMedium Risk A
Disk Space3GB10GB
Price $8.95 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
$39.99 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
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Brian Wu

About Brian Wu

Brian specializes in technology and medicine. This isn’t surprising given he now has a PhD in integrative biology and disease and an MD with a focus on holistic treatment. In the past, he’s been an actor. Brian lives in southern California.

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Angelo Schwartzberg

June 5, 2019

Really good experience. Koddos have a live chat feature that’s very useful for real time problem solving. The only thing I would change is to make the interface more user friendly when editing my Web sites. And for what you get, the prices are fantastic. Lots of features!