SmarterASP In 2021: What Do SmarterASP Client Reviews Say?

Disclosure: Your support helps keep the site running! We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page. Learn more Introduction is a web hosting company offering plans focused on Windows hosting based on ASP.NET. It hosting services include shared hosting, VPS, and semi-dedicated hosting. began business in 1999 and has its headquarters in Monterey Park, California. The company takes pride in being debt-free and purchases equipment with cash available.

Services & Specializations is a web hosting service offering different plans for shared web hosting, VPS, and semi-dedicated servers. The company targets individuals, developers, and businesses for its plans. Even if you are not a developer, support is offered for multiple Visual Studio versions of ASP.

For customers wanting to try before committing to a plan, a free 60 day trial is offered. Currently, all the plans are hosted on a windows server. Introductory plans limit items such as bandwidth, number of domains, and disk space.

On the other hand, advanced shared plans offer unlimited amounts of space, bandwidth, domains, and e-mails. All plans have support for Visual Studio, multiple scripting languages (ASP, Silverlight), and 1-click installers (WordPress, Joomla).

In addition to shared hosting, SmarterASP.NET also offers VPS and semi-dedicated server plans. VPS plans have at least a single IP address and support for the same databases and operating systems (CentOS and Windows). The plans vary based on the amount of RAM, bandwidth, disk space, and CPU speeds.

Instead of offering a dedicated server, SmarterASP.NET offers a “semi-dedicated” server plan. In a semi-dedicated plan, a server will host a few websites while dedicated plans host just a single website.

Semi-dedicated plans are hosted on Windows-based servers and offer unlimited bandwidth, FTP accounts, and e-mails while varying on the amount of database space and IIS entries.

Besides the standard plans, reseller hosting plans are offered for Windows-based servers. SmarterASP takes care of the network administration while you focus on become a reseller. Reseller plans offer many of the same features as VPS and Semi-dedicated plans. The plans, however, vary on the amount of bandwidth and disk space allocated.

SmarterASP Reviews by Our Community

Overall Rating from 1 Reviews by SmarterASP Customers


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suraj waghmare avatar
suraj waghmare
Oct 14, 2016

Smarterasp always rocks it help me in every areas from hosting to web deployment. Email Configuration part of smarterasp make it winner over all other competitors. And yes smarterasp up time is always above what I expected. They never erased my data without my permissions even I have fully utilized my subscription and forgot to pay .

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SmarterASP’s servers use Intel microprocessor technology with multiple cores and high speed hard drives. The company has 3 data centers and use “top-quality bandwidth providers” such as AT&T, Global Crossing, and Level3. They also have processes in place to ensure that only 30% of bandwidth is used to further ensure reliability.

Support and Customer Service

The company offers 24/7 customer service via a support ticket system. A chat system is also seen on the website but it is unclear if this is a good way to reach support.

Uptime Guarantee

SmarterASP.NET promises a 99.9% uptime guarantee. The company is so committed to this guarantee that it is willing to offer a month of free service for each hour that a site is down.


The company bills customers on a monthly basis with domain names extra per year. If you are willing to pay up front 2-3 years in advance, SmarterASP.NET will give you a discount. The company offers a 60-day free trial period and accepts multiple payment methods including PayPal, credit cards, and debit cards.


SmarterASP.NET is a web hosting company that offers a variety of plans including shared, VPS, and semi-dedicated hosting that targets individuals, developers, and businesses.

The company has a long, 60-day, free trial period to test out services. SmarterASP.NET offers 24/7 support for technical issues.

If you are an individual or business serious about Windows-based hosting, then SmarterASP may be the right choice.

.NET Basic.NET Advance.NET Premium
Disk SpaceUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Price $2.95 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
$4.95 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
$7.95 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
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Brian Wu

About Brian Wu

Brian specializes in technology and medicine. This isn’t surprising given he now has a PhD in integrative biology and disease and an MD with a focus on holistic treatment. In the past, he’s been an actor. Brian lives in southern California.

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