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WebServe In 2018: How Would WebServe Clients Review Them?

2 Reviews
Last Updated Jul 21, 2013Add your review

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  • Linux
  • Shared Hosting

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Location:Oakville, ON Canada

What is WebServe?

WebServe is a Canadian based web hosting company located in Oakville, ON. The company was founded with a mission of creating an easy to use and affordable web hosting plan for all consumers and businesses. As a part of that goal, the company has created one hosting plan that provides all the features needed by almost any business or consumer in search of web hosting.

The goal of WebServe is simplicity and affordability, and you will find that the absence of tiered hosting solutions will make it much easier to make the right decision for your hosting needs. With just one simple account, you can access all the options you will need to host a variety of sites.

Features and Services

WebServe specializes in shared hosting accounts and does not offer virtual private server or dedicated servers. Unlike many hosting providers that offer a tiered set of plans, WebServe focuses on offering one plan at a low price that will scale for anyone whether they are hosting a small personal blog or a business looking to open an online shop. When signing up for WebServe, you won’t have to spend a great deal of time trying to select the right plan. With only one plan, the signup process has been made much easier when compared to other providers.

WebServe offers all of the features that you would expect in a hosting provider that allow you to create the perfect website for your needs or business. They offer a variety of features including:

  • Domain registration
  • Multiple Domains
  • Sub Domains
  • Parked Domains
  • Email Accounts
  • MySQL Databases
  • cPanel Access
  • Shopping Carts
  • One click Software Install

WebServe provides easy installation for some of the leading web applications including content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla!, image galleries such as Gallery2 and Coppermine, and much more. With the software provided by WebServe, you can easily setup your website in a manner of minutes to start your website owning career much more quickly.

Datacenters and Network

WebServe’s data centers are located in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. If you experience problems with your website hosted at WebServe, the company provides an easy to navigate page that lists any issues they may be experiencing with their network. This allows you to easily check to see if your problem is associated with only your site or is part of a wider problem with their network.

Customer Service and Support

If you do have a problem with your hosting services with WebServe, they offer support via live chat, email and even phone support. This support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can get the help you need. However, the live chat support is offline on occasion despite this support guarantee although you can still submit a ticket via email. Still, most tickets are handled within hours of submitting your problem allowing you to get your problem fixed as quickly as possible. In addition to this support, WebServe also offers a wide range of articles that allow you to search for your problem yourself.

Uptime Guarantee

It is important to make sure your website stays online all day, every day to make sure that your visitors and customers can reach your site whenever they need it. WebServe offers a 99.9 percent guarantee on all of their services. This, however, does not include server maintenance schedules that are usually conducted overnight when traffic to your site will normally be considerably lower compared to during the day. WebServe also makes it clear that maintenance on your particular site is your responsibility and any downtime as a result of that maintenance is not considered part of their uptime guarantee.

Billing Policies

Unlike most web hosting companies, WebServe doesn’t offer a variety of hosting plans with different features. Instead, they offer one simple plan to all their customers. In order to access the best pricing for this plan, you must commit to signing up for two years, which could be a long commitment for many website owners. WebServe does not offer month to month pricing for their hosting, either. The shortest time period they offer is 12 months, which is still a long commitment for many website owners.

WebServe offers a 30 day money back guarantee on their services that is available from the moment you activate your new account. This guarantee does not include any setup fees or domain name registration fees that you may incur.


WebServe strives to make hosting simple for both consumers and businesses. With its single plan available to all its customers, it simplifies the hosting process by providing all the features that you will need at an affordable price regardless of your needs.

While they don’t offer any higher end hosting options such as VPS servers or private server hosting, their shared hosting plan is simple to use and provides all the features you will need to get your website off the ground and begin to grow your business.

Last updated: 2018-01-18

2 Reviews of WebServe By Our Users

1 stars
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1 stars

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Ok back in 2008, but service deteriorated. I will not be back. My site got hacked twice, despite secure passwords.

Help desk response took days… Minimum 4 to 5 days… Once it took 8 days.

They appear to shut down help after hours, and close for weekends. I do not recommend their services… Even if they were free.

1 stars
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1 stars

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Site has been down for four days. Four days. Called the support number and was shunted to voice mail.

Tried their 24/7 chat – it’s also down. Sent an email to open an issue ticket – no response. On the second day, I finally got a hold of someone using their live chat (I posed as a new customer).

The entire chat took 2 hours – I was told that they were having server issues, with no ETA on when the site would be back up. I was then told I should switch to a dedicated server as it provides better service. I asked to speak to the manager and was told he wasn’t in today.

The site was back up briefly, but it went down again. I would absolutely not recommend this website to anyone at anytime. If you have Your Site hosted there, I would recommend changing hosts – that’s what I’m going to do.


All WebServe Hosting Plans

Hosting Plan Features Disk Space Bandwidth Price
WebServe Shared Shared
  • Linux
  • Shared Hosting
Unlimited Unlimited $1.99/month
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