Webmaster tool WhoIsHostingThis.com launched in July 2007 and now serves 125,000+ page views/month.
Our users are a highly targeted group: webmasters interested in hosting. The majority are US-based, although the site is used worldwide.
A range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities are available, including banner ads and text ads.
Banner AdsBanner ads are displayed below the search box on the homepage and host name on the results pages. We use the standard 468 x 60 format and price banners on a tenancy basis. $POA
Text AdsText ads are served above the search box across the site. Text ads carry the NOFOLLOW attribute, in line with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. $POA
Other Ad FormatsLooking for alternatives ad formats? We’re happy to consider other options. $POA
Ad Targeting
Ad serving is handled by OpenX. This means we are able to target ad campaigns by criteria such as:
Contact Us
Tell us a few details about your advertising requirements. We’ll get back to you ASAP.