Conor Sheils – Technical Writer and Editor

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Getting to Know Conor

Conor is a news journalist turned tech writer/editor from Ireland. Following years working as a newshound in Europe and the Middle East, Conor decided to merge his life-long passion for all-things-tech with his writing abilities, and travel the world as a location-independent tech expert.

Conor grew up in the Irish countryside and had a keen interest in computers and technology from a very early age.

Conor studied Journalism at the University of The Arts London before embarking on a career within the British national press. He later worked for international and local outlets across the Middle East and North Africa before putting his life in a backpack and becoming a traveling tech writer/editor.

Since then he has lived in countries as diverse as Egypt, Morocco, and Kenya and visited many others.

Our Interview with Conor

Learn a little more about Conor in this interview.

How’d you get into technical writing?

A love for journalism, technology and a desire to travel the world while working remotely.

Windows, Mac, or GNU/Linux?

I’m a huge Linux fan and have been for years. Right now I’m using Pop Os! (an Ubuntu-based distribution) as my daily driver. I always keep a version of Windows on a dual boot in case there’s a specific piece of software (usually cell phone repair software) that doesn’t play nice with Linux.

Favorite code/text/HTML editor?

Visual Studio Code. Love everything about it.

Where are you in the world?

I’m currently based in Nairobi, Kenya. I’ve just moved here and I love it so far. It has a massive technology industry, dubbed the “Silicon Savannah.” It seems like everybody is working on the next big web project or app — it’s a real geek’s paradise. Prior to this, I was living in, Essaouira, a small Moroccan hippie-surfer town, so it’s quite a contrast.

What do you love about freelance writing?

I think most of all I love the variety that it gives me in terms of topics and experiences. Separately, the ability to work from pretty much anywhere is a huge bonus for me.

Are you working on any cool projects?

I’m currently learning Swahili and working on a mental health web project.

Selected WhoIsHostingThis Writing

Conor is primarily an editor but he does do some writing:

  • Softaculous Hosting: if you are looking for hosting that provides the best one-click software installs, this article will tell you everything you need to know.

Elsewhere on the Web

Conor can be found elsewhere on the web:

Learn more about the WhoIsHostingThis authors and editors here.


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