Best PostgreSQL Hosting Providers

SiteGround Logo

SiteGround Hosting

Best overall PostgreSQL hosting

  • Focuses on easy PostgreSQL management
  • SSD storage and SSL access included
  • Includes Cloudflare CDN
Why it’s best: Shared servers all come with PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin pre-installed

siteground postgresql hosting

SiteGround boasts a craftsman approach to PostgreSQL hosting on its shared plans. These plans come with phpPgAdmin installed and promise easy PostgreSQL management.

SiteGround keeps up with the latest version of the software. With features like SSD storage, free SSL, cPanel, and the Cloudflare CDN, it’s a solid choice as a hosting provider. PostgreSQL is also available on dedicated servers and cloud hosting.

Pros and cons of SiteGround Hosting


  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • 24/7 premium support
  • Easy-to-Use Admin Interface


  • Higher pricing
  • Limited Disk Space


    SiteGround Logo

    SiteGround Hosting

    Best overall PostgreSQL hosting

    • Starting price
      • $2.99 per month
    • Why it’s best
      Shared servers all come with PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin pre-installed
    • Focuses on easy PostgreSQL management
    • SSD storage and SSL access included
    • Includes Cloudflare CDN
    Bluehost Logo


    Best PostgreSQL Hosting for Small Scale Websites

    • Free domain with new accounts
    • Advanced security
    • Excellent customer support
    Why it’s best: Offers very fast, reliable, secure, and flexible web hosting with great customer support

    Bluehost is praised for providing impressive hosting solutions at affordable prices. It has been the most popular hosting service in the world because of its feature-rich and flexible hosting packages.

    Pros and cons of Bluehost


    • Simple to upgrade when needed
    • WordPress partner
    • 30-day money back guarantee


    • No daily backups
    • No monthly billing option


      Bluehost Logo


      Best PostgreSQL Hosting for Small Scale Websites

      • Starting price
        • $2.75 per month
      • Why it’s best
        Offers very fast, reliable, secure, and flexible web hosting with great customer support
      • Free domain with new accounts
      • Advanced security
      • Excellent customer support

      A2 Hosting

      Best PostgreSQL shared hosting

      • Shared servers all come with PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin pre-installed
      • Can launch phpPgAdmin from cPanel
      • International data centers
      Why it’s best: PostgreSQL included with all shared plans

      a2-hosting postgresql hosting

      A2 Hosting provides PostgreSQL 9.6 (released in November 2019), which isn’t the latest version but is close. It’s included with all A2 Hosting shared hosting plans, VPS plans, and Linux reseller plans.

      Customers can manage database users and create databases from the cPanel control panel. Alternatively, they can launch phpPgAdmin from cPanel. Other attractive features include international data centers and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

      Pros and cons of A2 Hosting


      • Very fast hosting servers
      • Exceptional technical support
      • Simple 30-day money back guarantee


      • No free domain
      • Higher prices



        A2 Hosting

        Best PostgreSQL shared hosting

        • Starting price
          • $2.99 per month (12 month contract)
        • Why it’s best
          PostgreSQL included with all shared plans
        • Shared servers all come with PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin pre-installed
        • Can launch phpPgAdmin from cPanel
        • International data centers
        InMotion-Hosting Logo

        InMotion Hosting

        Best for small businesses in North America

        • SSD storage and SSL access included
        • 24 hour phone, chat, email support
        • Monthly data transfers are unlimited
        Why it’s best: Thousands of servers in California and Virginia

        InMotion’s shared servers all come with PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin pre-installed. Customers with VPS plans or dedicated server plans can install it themselves.

        Support by phone, chat, or email is available 24 hours a day. SSD storage and secure SSL access are included. Disk space and monthly data transfers are unlimited. InMotion can be especially appealing to small businesses in North America.

        Pros and cons of InMotion Hosting


        • 90-day money back guarantee
        • Excellent uptime


        • Limited technical support
        • Automatic backups aren’t free


          InMotion-Hosting Logo

          InMotion Hosting

          Best for small businesses in North America

          • Starting price
            • $2.29 per month
          • Why it’s best
            Thousands of servers in California and Virginia
          • SSD storage and SSL access included
          • 24 hour phone, chat, email support
          • Monthly data transfers are unlimited
          Hostpapa Review


          Most Environmentally Friendly PostgreSQL Hosting

          • Simple hosting options
          • Free website builder tools
          • One-on-one training for new customers
          Why it’s best: Provides options for fully managed websites with excellent customer and technical support

          HostPapa is a reliable, user-friendly web hosting and domain registration service. They provide helpful support and fast servers with datacenters all over the world.

          Pros and cons of HostPapa


          • Free site migration
          • Environmentally friendly company
          • Exceptional customer support


          • No dedicated servers
          • Advanced security not available for entry level hosting packages


            Hostpapa Review


            Most Environmentally Friendly PostgreSQL Hosting

            • Starting price
              • $2.95 per month
            • Why it’s best
              Provides options for fully managed websites with excellent customer and technical support
            • Simple hosting options
            • Free website builder tools
            • One-on-one training for new customers

            Frequently Asked Questions About PostgreSQL

            What does PostgresSQL mean?

            PostgreSQL was founded as a successor to the Ingres database. Its name is a contraction of ‘post-Ingres’.

            PostgreSQL’s open-source nature has led to many crowd-sourced refinements and performance enhancements over the life of the application, as well as extensive documentation available online.

            The PostgreSQL license also gives all users the ability to adapt and modify the source code to their needs, making it ideal for complex, customized uses.

            PostgreSQL lets developers take a more familiar object-oriented approach to the database server. This leads to greater productivity and making better use of the database. If necessary, everything they do can be converted to plain SQL without compatibility issues.

            What is an object-relational database?

            A traditional relational database organizes data in related tables. Object-relational databases build on this by adding support for classes, objects, models, and inheritance.

            Who develops PostgreSQL?

            It’s developed by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

            What is the PostgreSQL Licence?

            The PostgreSQL Licence is very similar to the GNU GPL that covers many open source applications. The PostgreSQL Licence allows any developer to use PostgreSQL free of charge, even if they are developing a commercial application.

            What advantages does PostgreSQL offer?

            PostgreSQL is reliable and stable, and it’s designed for intensive applications. It’s also considered to be one of the most secure databases available. PostgreSQL is very extensible. It can be modified and customized without any obligation to share the changes, making it suitable for commercial use.

            Does PostgreSQL have a graphical interface?

            Yes. You can download several graphical tools to help you interact and administer PostgreSQL databases.

            Does PostgreSQL require a Linux server?

            PostgreSQL is cross-platform. It will run on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, and UNIX.

            PostgreSQL vs SQLite: which is better?

            SQLite is a very lightweight database that’s ideal for embedded applications. It is not a good choice for the multi-user, high-volume scenarios where PostgreSQL excels.

            How widely supported is PostgreSQL?

            Many hosting companies support it, although it is not always offered on shared hosting accounts.

            What are the primary uses for PostgreSQL?

            PostgreSQL is used primarily for commercial websites and applications because of its power, flexibility, scalability, and ease of use.

            Many well-known, large companies around the world with thousands of gigabytes of data and millions of dollars in revenue depend on PostgreSQL for database management, including:
            • CloudFlare
            • Etsy
            • Upwork
            • Reddit
            • Skype
            • TripAdvisor

            What are the Benefits of Using an Object-Relational Database?

            The PostgreSQL database management system is an “object-relational” system. It’s strongly compliant with ANSI SQL, more so than most popular database management systems. However, web developers find relational programming awkward, and the mismatch is the source of a lot of bugs. Database bugs are a leading source of security problems.

            Which industries use PostgreSQL?

            PostgreSQL is used to manage all kinds of data in a variety of industries. These range from aeronautical design to medical records and billing to managing ticket sales and promotional data for big sports organizations.

            Are there third-party extensions for PostgreSQL

            Third-party extensions are available to define object types for specialized problem domains. They add new data types, provide integration with other software, or add ways to export and import data.

            Can you add PostgreSQL to your web server?

            Adding it to your web server should be relatively straightforward, providing your hosting package meets the requirements.

            Most modern servers, whether Linux or Windows-based, should be able to run PostgreSQL. Many hosts also offer native support for PostgreSQL as a part of their hosting packages.

            Is there optional language support for PostgreSQL?

            Support for languages such as Perl and Python is optional, but packages are available to integrate them with the DBMS. Remember to check with your host before adding any application or service you think might not be supported by your hosting package or server.

            How do you manage PostgreSQL?

            Web-based management of a PostgreSQL server is simple with the open-source phpPgAdmin control panel. It’s similar to phpMyAdmin for MySQL databases.

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