Introducing Our TwitterBot, @WhoIsHosting

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The TwitterBot has just launched.

For those who unfamiliar with Twitter, it’s a microblogging service that lets users send 140 character messages to friends. Imagine a cross between Facebook status updates and your regular blog.

Twitterbots let you perform ‘command line’-style operations in Twitter. You typically send a message, and get back a response via direct message (DM) or an @reply with the information requested.

Some of the Twitterbots that have caught my imagination include music suggestions bot Recomme and Multimap’s ‘local services’ bot.

How to use the @WhoIsHosting bot? It’s simple.

Just send an @reply to @WhoIsHosting followed by a domain. A couple of minutes later, you’ll get a DM back with the answer and a link for more information.

If you don’t want to subject your followers to the lookup, you can send a DM to @WhoIsHosting instead using the same syntax (eg, DM WhoIsHosting Again, you’ll get a DM back pronto. It’ll look something like this…

It’s early days, so there may be the odd hiccup. Most issues to date have been with Twitter’s API limit (100 calls/hour), so please be patient if you don’t receive an immediate response.

We’d love to hear any feedback in the comments.

WhoIsHostingThis Team

About WhoIsHostingThis Team

Our writing team comes from all over the world with diverse backgrounds in the arts and sciences. But what links them is their passion for the internet. All together they represent many decades of experience working in all facets of it — from programming and hardware creation to website design and marketing.


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January 19, 2009

Of course, the correct syntax for sending direct message is:

d recipient message



January 19, 2009

Nik, either works: D or DM.



January 19, 2009

Nice, i like twitter, and u too….



January 19, 2009

This is great tool to tweet about. Thanks !!


Umar Omeiza Nuhu

January 20, 2009

This is great achivement that i never expriences before


Affiliate TwitterBot from @WhoIsHosting | Affiliate Marketing Blog by Shawn Collins

January 25, 2009



January 25, 2009

just tweet about it 🙂


25 Twitter Bots That Answer Your Questions Instantly |

April 9, 2009

[…] @WhoIsHosting – Send a domain via DM to receive a reply telling you which web host they […]


Twitter Tools «

October 30, 2009

[…] @WhoIsHosting – Just send an @reply to @WhoIsHosting followed by a domain. A couple of minutes later, you’ll get a DM back with the answer and a link for more information. […]