10 Hosts Who Blog

Does your host have a blog? Surprisingly, many don’t.

A blog is an excellent, free and easy way for a host to stay in contact with their clients at times other than when a trouble ticket is filed. It’s a chance to put a more human face on the company, let clients see what goes on behind the scenes or just provide useful tips, tricks and ideas.

Though it certainly isn’t critical for a host to have a blog, it isn’t a bad idea either and so, without further ado, here are ten well-known hosting companies who blog:

1. Web.com

Web.com has a very frequent blog (updated several times per week) that focuses on helping customers get the most of their sites with tips for building traffic and using social media.

The blog is targeted mostly at beginning webmasters, such as this basic list of blogging tips, but has a few tips and tricks that can be useful for just about anyone. Excellent for most site owners, including those not currently using Web.com.

2. FatCow

FatCow’s blog is more of a general tech blog, Updated about once per week, it doesn’t focus so much on FatCow hosting or websites as technology in general, including everything from cell phones to social media. It also has interesting articles about how to improve your site, such as this one on how to optimize it for an iPad.

Though not the highest-volume blog, certainly an interesting read for anyone interested in tech.

3. The Planet

Updated several times per week, The Planet’s blog is focused primarily on news from the company, including new product launches, hirings, etc. but also offers some neat tutorials such as a UNIX bootcamp series and a few funny posts such as a parody of Grease.

The blog is a great read for anyone who uses ThePlanet but also for anyone running their own server.

4. Aplus.net

Updated several times per day most days, Deluxe, the company behind the popular host Aplus.net, runs a blog targeted at small businesses.

As you might imagine, the blog focuses on eCommerce, promotion and other issues commonly faced by such users though there is still a good deal for other readers, such as an estimate on how much your Facebook fans are worth.

Though it might be a bit active for a casual reader, it’s a great blog for those who want to learn more about growing a site.

5. BounceWeb

Predictably, given BounceWeb’s cartoonish presentation, their friendly blog is aimed at beginners. It’s updated several times a week and is an excellent resource for the beginning webmaster with tons of great SEO, security and other tips.

That being said, the blog does have some interesting tech articles, such as this one about Web applications running Ruby on Rails, though most of the content is still geared toward a more novice audience.

6. GoDaddy

If GoDaddy’s commercials make you want to punch random strangers in the face, then Bob Parsons’ video blog may turn you into a mass-murderer. The only video blog on the list, GoDaddy’s CEO and founder offers up business and self-help advice in a rather unique way.

Such as with this entry on how to get more done with your time, Parsons video entries are fast-paced, humor-filled, professionally-produced and, at times, extremely annoying.

Still, those struggling to establish an online business may benefit from Parsons’ advice, if they can stand to watch him long enough.

7. Arvixe

Arvixe’s blog may not be much to look at, but it has some great tips, tricks and how-to’s that almost any webmaster can benefit from. Ranging from the most basic, including how to set up a MYSQL database and user, to very specific and relatively-advanced, the guides offer something for everyone.

All in all, it is a great “hands on” blog about hosting targeted at Arvixe’s own customers and systems first and foremost. A must-read for any of Avixe’s clients and a good one for everyone else.

8. Hostgator

Updated once every 1-2 weeks, Hostgator’s blog certainly isn’t the most active but it is one of the most unique. Though it includes the standard spate of a corporate newsletter there are many unusual posts, such as this one highlighting some of the stranger occurrences they’ve run into while doing support.

May not be the most informative read, but is certainly one of the most entertaining.

9. Dreamhost

Known for being one of the more eccentric hosting companies, Dreamhost’s blog does not disappoint.

Though it has some of the standard corporate news that you can expect on any hosting blog, Dreamhost manages to stuff their site full of humor and interesting promotions, such as their year of free hosting to anyone who can down the Special #2 at Orochon Ramen.

Perhaps not the most useful blog on this list, but certainly very full of personality and Dreamhost attitude.

10. SiteGround

Though it may not be very relevant to anyone not currently with SiteGround, it is an excellent example of a hosting company blog being done very well.

Bottom Line

Most web hosting customers only have contact with their providers when something goes wrong and a good corporate blog is a way to change all that. Along with an email newsletter and other means of customer contact, a blog offers a host a chance to stay in touch with their clients and present themselves in a positive light.

Simply put, customers feel better working with a more “human” host and knowledgeable customers are the best ones. A blog is a free way to do both of those things.

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