14 Popular Websites Speedtested

In this article, we’ll pit some popular websites head to head.

The challenge is simple. Which site loads faster?

Using http://whichloadsfaster.com, we’ll open two sites side by side and track the loading time.

The Rules

  • Each test is run five times.
  • Adblock was enabled to prevent ad networks from interfering.
  • Tests are performed using Google Chrome with cleared cache.
  • Tests are performed late at night (US time).
  • We’re logged out of all sites.

Digg vs. Reddit

Which of these two sites load faster?

Result: Tie (1811ms vs. 1801ms)

After logging out and clearing the cache, the two sites are in a dead heat. I had expected Digg’s more image-heavy layout to slow it down, but the site was able to hold its own.

TechCrunch vs. Mashable

Now let’s test two of the best-known tech blogs, TechCrunch and Mashable.

Winner: Mashable (16900ms vs. 11889ms or 42% faster)

Neither site was fast in this test. Both sites are content-heavy blogs that display a lot of material on the front page, including images and JavaScript.

Fox News vs. CNN

Let’s compare the two largest news networks in the US.

Winner: CNN (3495ms vs. 2630ms or 33% faster)

CNN had a clear edge in this one and seemed to load faster on every iteration of the test.

Apple vs. Microsoft

This is a rivalry that needs no introductions.

Winner: Apple (1220ms vs. 2559ms or 93% faster)

Initially, the results were reversed, but Apple seems to have some effective caching in place.

Facebook vs. Myspace

Which site loads faster?

Winner: Facebook (by Disqualification) (N/A)

Myspace apparently runs a frame breaker script on its site that prevented me from loading it in the test frame.

Google vs. Bing

Which search engine is the fastest?

Winner: Bing (416ms vs. 376ms or 11% faster)

Both sites loaded very quickly, but Bing was just a little bit ahead.

Plagiarism Today vs. WhoIsHostingThis

Both sites are hosted by the same company, Servint, and should be loaded from the same datacenter.

Winner: WhoIsHostingThis (1435ms vs. 1141ms or 26% faster)

Though both sites performed well in the test, WhoIsHostingThis had the edge, proving that hosting is only one part of the equation.Keep up with posts like this by subscribing to our RSS feed, or following @WhoIsHosting on Twitter.

14 Popular Websites Speedtested by
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